Covenant Mission Success Estimates

Covenant Mission Success Estimates


italian strings

zemaree opened this issue · 2 comments


-- Italian
stringTable["itIT"] = {}
stringTable["itIT"]["_adviceFrameWidth"] = 550
stringTable["itIT"]["_adviceFrameHeight"] = 100
stringTable["itIT"]["Add some units to your team to begin success estimation."] = "Aggiungi qualche unità al tuo gruppo per iniziare la stima del successo"
stringTable["itIT"]["round"] = "turno"
stringTable["itIT"]["rounds"] = "turni"
stringTable["itIT"]["It would take"] = "Servirebbero"
stringTable["itIT"]["combat"] = "combattimento"
stringTable["itIT"]["for your current team to beat the enemy team."] = "per il tuo gruppo per battere il gruppo avversario"
stringTable["itIT"]["for the enemy team to beat your current team."] = "per il gruppo avversario per sconfiggere il tuo gruppo"
stringTable["itIT"]["Success is possible with your current units, but it will be close."] = "E' possibile vincere con il tuo gruppo, ma il margine è ridotto"
stringTable["itIT"]["There is a reasonable chance of success with your current units."] = "C'è un ragionevole margine di successo per il tuo gruppo"
stringTable["itIT"]["Mission success is impossible with your current units."] = "E' impossibile vincere con tuo gruppo"
stringTable["itIT"]["Warning: This guidance is a rough estimate. Unit abilities strongly influence the actual result."] = "Attenzione: Queste stime sono una approssimazione. Le abilità delle unità influenzano fortemente il risultato attuale"
stringTable["itIT"]["[No Mission Selected]"] = "[Nessuna missione selezionata]"


I checked in game and it give weird result due to the phrase construction in italian and the fact that vers change from singular to plurals.

It would take 1 combat round became "Servirebbe 1 turno di combattimento"
It would take 2 combat rounds became "Servirebbero 2 turni di combattimento"

as you can see you should add 2 it would take and "combat round" and "combat rounds" as complete string otherwise you get in italian:

combat round = "di combattimento turno" (should be "turno di combattimento" -> (swapped words)) or simply remove combat (cause it's clear that we are talking about combat round) and you shorten the string for the small video.

stringTable["itIT"]["combat"] = ""

There is no work around for It would take (1 or more) round(s) have to be different (I put the 1+ string cause I think that it's really unwilling that you have 1 ar turn number)


Thanks for this. I'll implement your translation soon. Your suggestions around the construction of the sentences are also already in the works (these issues came up with other locales too) - I just haven't gotten around to implementing it cleanly yet.