


"/simc" Broken

mpalermo73 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Version: 9.0.1-02
Issue: /simc results in

Type /help for a listing of a few commands


Without more detailed information, my quick guess is that you either have the "no library" version of the addon or that another addon is causing the problem.

Here's how to troubleshoot:

  1. Make sure you have the "libraries included" version of the addon (if using the Twitch client, right click > Install Settings> Make sure "Install Libraries Separately" is NOT checked)

  2. Disable all other addons and only load the SimC addon to see if the problem happens. If /simc works, the issue is with some other addon.

For more detailed debugging, you'll need to install BugSack - that will provide more information that I can use to solve the problem.


While I understand that you present the option of changing something in the Twitch setup to help with this, but, that's a global thing. Some other addons break when this is done. If this is the "only way" for yours to work, I'd humbly suggest a separate project id. But I can also understand some hesitation not to (backwards compatibility with old search results, etc). Download clients are only going to grab the latest file timestamp. I guess in the past I got lucky and the WITH libs version just happened to have a newer timestamp(??).

My simulationcraft directory had the "libs" subdirectory which supports perhaps getting the right one handed to me in the past. I still forcibly installed the WITH libs version, and /simc does indeed now work. So I guess you are right in that Twitch downloaded the nolibs version.

Thank you for the guidance!


Trying to track down more details since I've seen at least 1 other report of something similar happening. I want to make sure the SimC addon is usable by as many folks as possible so getting more info will help me understand if I configured something wrong or not.

Some other addons break when this is done

Do you have a link/reference to an addon recommending this? This seems wrong in most cases so I'm curious about the recommendation

Do you recall if you changed this setting yourself or do you think that Twitch just downloaded the wrong version?

Are you using any other addon managers in addition to / in replacement of the Twitch app? I haven't looked into these in a lot of detail yet so it's possible they are updating addons in a way I'm not expecting.

My best guess is that this was a hiccup with the Twitch app. CurseForge/Twitch has been automatically publishing a -nolib version of the SimC addon for years and it seems like this has very rarely caused an issue. Looks like the Twitch app has both a global option for installing libraries separately (which is also marked as "not recommended") as well as an option that can be configured for each addon individually. If you hadn't set either of these, it was definitely a Twitch app bug. If you had changed one of these settings based on a recommendation from elsewhere, I'd like to know more since I would consider that a bad recommendation.


Trying to track down more details since I've seen at least 1 other report of something similar happening. I want to make sure the SimC addon is usable by as many folks as possible so getting more info will help me understand if I configured something wrong or not.

I THINK there is nothing to see here.

I use Linux. I've only ever played Warcraft under Wine on Linux for the 13 or so years I've been playing Warcraft. To that end, it's been pretty few, far in between, and and quick to abandoned, the selection of addon managers that run on something other than Windows. So I wrote my own.

While it's possible that the Twitch client messed up at some point (which wouldn't exactly surprise me...), I may have grabbed the wrong one too. Because the Twitch client is such a PoS, I reworked my addon manager script now using the Curse API. I wasn't aware of the "isAlternate" key.

You are correct that the nolib version is "isAlternate: true" and the full one is "isAlternate: false" which is also standard for normal releases of addons. I think what might have happened is I wasn't originally filtering on isAlternate into account when selecting which file to download, the nolib version won out once likely due to that one second newer timestamp.



That makes sense!

Closing for now, feel free to reopen if you find any other issues!