Skill Info +

Skill Info +


Update and question

Iowerth opened this issue · 0 comments


Hi. It is a very useful addon, but can you please update it to WoTLK? I already updated it for myself, but maybe others want have it updated too.
And can you please answer how can it be translated to another language in this part of code (I've translated other parts, but cant handle with it):

if (string.match(msg, "Your skill in")) then
local name = string.match(msg, "Your skill in (.+) has increased");

I tried to add words on my language, replacing English, but no effect:

if (string.match(msg, "Ваш навык")) then
local name = string.match(msg, "Ваш навык (.+) повышается");

2022-10-23 14_55_23-Window
Maybe something changed in API (or somewhere else) in WoTLK?