


Enhancement: Expand clickable area for group headers

Raulfin opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I do a lot of crafting on a lot of toons, and generally have most profs on any server I play on. Collapsing and expanding groups is a big help in getting to a recipie I need, but having to click the tiny arrow can kinda suck sometimes;


Would be a big help if clicking the group header also expand/collapes the group instead of just highlighting it;

Even turned off the fancy curser for you :)


The little arrows have one set of click assignments and the group headers have a separate set of click assignments. This separate set of click assignments is to support Custom Groups.

The headers and the recipes use left-click to select, control-left-click to select multiple, shift-left-click to select all between similar to how editors work. Right-click will bring up a context menu which varies depending on where you are.

For example, Click the little arrow (kinda sucks its so small :-) ) next to Grouping and select New. Left-click on Food & Drink and then right-click and select Copy. In the Grouping dropdown, select Custom. In the empty space right-click and select Paste.

You could probably use Custom Groups to build a list of "favorites" on each toon. That might help you find what you are looking for faster. Also the "+" and "-" buttons will expand all or collapse all.


Unfortunately, this enhancement cannot be implemented