


Enhancement - mass add recipes to the queue

theoriginalmre opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Currently, if I wish to craft 3 separate recipes in a Queue, I need to:

  • click on Recipe 1,
  • click Queue
  • click on Recipe 2,
  • click Queue
  • click on Recipe 3,
  • click Queue
  • click Process x3 times

I would like to instead be able to highlight all 3 recipes (ctrl+click all 3 so they are selected), then add them all in bulk to the queue. Either with a button that says "Add All to Queue" or via the right-click menu.



Skillet shows me :)
The blue column is how many I have / don't have.


I'm going to guess that you want to do the same three recipes repeatedly. If so, add the three recipes to the queue and click on the "Queues" button at the top of the right side of the frame. Enter a name and click "Save". Now when you want to add them to the queue the next time, use the dropdown and then click "Load". See the images below. I have saved "Clams" and "Fish".



Let me know if this is a solution. What you are asking for will be very difficult to implement.


No unfortunately this is not what I need.

A long time ago back when I used TSM, it had the feature I'm requesting. (But I hate TSM so I'm not using it now lol.) That is, the ability to craft items dynamically that I don't already have in my inventory or on the AH.

Using glyphs as an example, if I decide to craft the 50 most profitable glyphs, then after an hour I've sold half of them, I want to be able to quickly use Skillet to check what I've still got in my bags (or AH), which I currently can, and then select the 25 missing glyphs and craft them again to relist.

At the moment, I have to click on the glyph, then go click queue, then repeat this process 25 times etc. It becomes extremely tedious. I just want to add the items to the queue that I've currently missing from my list, in a quick way.


How do you determine the 25 missing glyphs (screenshot might be helpful)?


Not as complicated as I thought...

Replace ...\Skillet-Classic\UI\Mainframe.lua with the one in the .zip file. Ctrl-click to select and right-click "Queue".


While that bindings file does technically do the job, I was hoping for something more like what Auctionator does, and allows you to keybind an existing keybind to Auctionator that only functions when the AH window is open.

Eg, I have Spacebar bound to toggle auto run, but when I open the AH, I can press spacebar to post/cancel auctions with Auctionator without having to erase my existing keybind. Then when I close the AH, the spacebar key reverts back to my default setting.


So I was hoping that I could have a key that only functions when the Skillet window is open.


This works PERFECT! <3

The only other suggestion I would ask is whether it's possible to have a key like Spacebar assigned so that that when the Skillet Window is open, pressing Spacebar activates the "Process" button.


Add the file from the following .zip file to ...\Interface\Addons\Skillet-Classic and use "Options", "Gameplay", "Keybindings" to set the key you want.


So I was hoping that I could have a key that only functions when the Skillet window is open.

The author of Auctionator, Journalator, etc. is a true addon author genius.

Now you are asking for a complicated solution involving new UI elements, etc.

I'll look into it but don't hold your breath.


I'm more than happy with the current changes to mainframe section <3
If you did the key function that would be a bonus. Thanks for everything!