


Custom Group Keeps Disappearing

Singers30 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I have a custom 'Grouping' that I named "Prior Cata". I have 4 groups here with various recipes.
One I name "Epic Cata Mail" and put the new Cataclysm ILVL 359 recipes under it.
Every single time I log back into this character, this group is gone. Deleted itself somehow.
I've tried logging out, exiting the game while in Stormwind, ALT F4'ing, everything. Group is always gone when I come back.
Am I doing something wrong here? My Alchemy groups don't delete themselves.


This is going to get a bit complicated.

First, I need to see your global saved variables file which is saved to disk when you logout. Create the group that disappears and then logout. Make a copy of the Skillet-Classic.lua file in ...\World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\<your name>\SavedVariables. Now login, verify that the group has disappeared, and logout again. Make another copy of the saved variables file (with a new name). Now make a copy of the player specific saved variables file Skillet-Classic.lua in ...\World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\<your name>\<realm name>\<character name>\SavedVariables (with another new name).

Put all three files in a .zip file and upload it here. I'll probably need you to enable debug output and I may need to provide some custom code. I'll let you know after I look at the above.



Here is what you requested. The issue is happening with Singorz, the hunter and her Leatherworking. The "Mail" group is the group that is present in the first file, and gone in the second.


I think I see the problem but I haven't figured out what causes it (or how to fix it) so I'd like to perform an experiment.

After logging out with the vanishing group in place, I'd like you to edit the global saved variable file. From the file you sent me find in the ["profiles"] = {, ["Singorz - Atiesh"] = {,

			["groupDB"] = {
				["2108:Cata"] = {
					["Cata Hunter Self Enchants"] = "4:'Draconic Embossment - Agility:'Dragonbone Leg Reinforcements",
					["*ALL*"] = "33:g5:g2:g4:g5",
					["Mail"] = "5:'Dragonkiller Tunic:'Twilight Scale Chestguard:'Corded Viper Belt:'Stormleather Sash",
					["Cata Enchants"] = "5:'Charscale Leg Armor:'Dragonscale Leg Armor:'Drakehide Leg Armor:'Twilight Leg Armor:'Scorched Leg Armor",
					["Leather"] = "2:'Chestguard of Nature`s Fury",

and change the ["*ALL*"] and the ["Mail"] lines as follows:

			["groupDB"] = {
				["2108:Cata"] = {
					["Cata Hunter Self Enchants"] = "4:'Draconic Embossment - Agility:'Dragonbone Leg Reinforcements",
					["*ALL*"] = "33:g5:g2:g4:g3",
					["Mail"] = "3:'Dragonkiller Tunic:'Twilight Scale Chestguard:'Corded Viper Belt:'Stormleather Sash",
					["Cata Enchants"] = "5:'Charscale Leg Armor:'Dragonscale Leg Armor:'Drakehide Leg Armor:'Twilight Leg Armor:'Scorched Leg Armor",
					["Leather"] = "2:'Chestguard of Nature`s Fury",

and login again. Let me know if the symptoms change.


BTW, I didn't write this code, I inherited it. It is probably the most complicated feature of Skillet-Classic (and Skillet for retail). Have patience as we work through this together.


Okay I did what you said and after logging back in, the group was there still for the first time.


Fantastic! So now I know what the problem is. Somehow, when you created the new group it received a duplicate number. We fixed it manually. I believe you may have deleted a group in the past (because group 3 was missing) and I don't know if that contributed to the problem.

I'll leave this issue open and do some experiments but the crisis is averted for now. Thanks for helping.