


Glyph of Deathcoil (lock) - not removing from craft queue once crafted

Esc1972 opened this issue ยท 3 comments



Hopefully this ticket is more useful than my last one, no major issues and a great addon so thank you first of all.

One minor issue with Glyph of Death Coil (Warlock one), when i craft this and i am using the crafting queue and clicking process to craft the next glyph, after i've ran through and selected all that i want to craft, Glyph of Deathcoil (warlock) remains in the queue even when crafted. This means the addon creates multiple of these glyphs (1 each time i press process), unless i manually remove it from the queue.

The display is also unusual, displaying a number in brackets following the name, but perhaps this because it shares the name with the DK glyph. The DK glyph does not have this issue


Let me know if there is any more data or info i can provide


All good, it's very minor issue


Damn Blizzard for using the same name!

Skillet-Classic uses the skillName as the recipeID because the actual recipeID was not available when Skillet-Classic was initially developed. It does attempt to create a unique recipeID when there are duplicate skillNames and that's what the number represents.

I have replicated the issue but I think this is going to take a while to fix.


I was able to find a simple fix which is included in Skillet-Classic-1.92-alpha1.