


TBC classic

wisenimrod opened this issue · 15 comments


i can not open the ingenieur skillbook with the addon on - any idea to fix it ?


I think I know what's wrong but I can't fix it without your help. In SkilletData.lua lines 64-79 is a table (copied below). I need to know:

  1. Your version of WoW (Classic Era or Burning Crusade Classic)
  2. Version of Skillet-Classic
  3. Your locale (type "/dump GetLocale()")
  4. The output from "/dump GetSpellInfo(tradeID)" where tradeID can be found in the table in SkilletData.lua lines 40-54)
  5. The output from "/dump GetTradeSkillLine()" while the tradeskill in question is open (with the Blizzard UI)

If there are any special characters in either step 4 or 5, then I need them exactly as output. The easiest thing would be for you to update your local copy of SkilletData.lua and then test it. When it works, zip up your copy and attach it here. I'll update the master copy so it will work for you (and anyone else with your locale) in the future.

--  a table of locale specific translations by id
-- needed to fix Blizzard inconsistent translations
-- [tradeID] = {locale, old, new}
--   locale is what GetLocale() returns
--   old is the return from GetSpellInfo(tradeID)
--   new is the return from GetTradeSkillLine() when the tradeskill / craft is opened
local TranslateList = {
	[4036] = {"frFR", "Ingénieur", "Ingénierie"},			-- engineering
	[3273] = {"frFR", "Premiers soins", "Secourisme"},		-- first aid
	[2108] = {"esES", "Peletería", "Marroquinería"},		-- leatherworking
	[3908] = {"esES", "Sastrería", "Costura"},				-- tailoring
	[2108] = {"koKR", "가죽세공", "가죽 세공"},					-- leatherworking

lines 64-79:

-- a table of locale specific translations by id
-- needed to fix Blizzard inconsistent translations

-- [tradeID] = {locale, old, new}
-- locale is what GetLocale() returns
-- old is the return from GetSpellInfo(tradeID)
-- new is the return from GetTradeSkillLine() when the tradeskill / craft is opened

1. Your version of WoW (Classic Era or Burning Crusade Classic) - TBC Classic
2. Version of Skillet-Classic - 1.35
3. Your locale (type "/dump GetLocale()") - [1]="deDE"
4. The output from "/dump GetSpellInfo(tradeID)" where tradeID can be found in the table in SkilletData.lua lines 40-54)

local TradeSkillList = {
2259, -- alchemy
2018, -- blacksmithing
4036, -- engineering
2108, -- leatherworking
SMELTING, -- smelting
MINING, -- mining
3908, -- tailoring
2550, -- cooking
3273, -- first aid

5. The output from "/dump GetTradeSkillLine()" while the tradeskill in question is open (with the Blizzard UI)

The output from "/dump GetTradeSkillLine()" while the tradeskill in question is open (with the Blizzard UI)
Dump: valueGetTradeSkillLine()


Got one of the three things I need, your locale = "deDE". Now that I know that, I believe "ingenieur" is Engineering so I need the output of "/dump GetSpellInfo(4036)". Then I need you to open the Blizzard UI for Engineering (since Skillet-Classic won't open) and then the output of "/dump GetTradeSkillLine()" while the Engineering UI is visible.

Don't edit the file yourself yet. Let me see the output from those commands and I'll give you more specific instructions.


Now I'm the one that doesn't understand. Since the names match, you should be able to open "Ingenieurskunst" (Engineering) in Skillet-Classic. Hopefully, Github isn't getting in the way and they do match, i.e. there are no German specific characters in either string.

Please give me the output of "/dump Skillet.tradeSkillIDsByName" and "/dump Skillet.tradeSkillNamesByID".

I may need you to enable Skillet-Classic debugging output.


[07:33] Dump: value=GetTradeSkillLine()
[07:33] [1]="Ingenieurskunst",
[07:33] [2]=300,
[07:33] [3]=375


Two down, one to go... I need the value of "/dump GetSpellInfo(4036)".


12:16] Dump: value=GetSpellInfo(4036)
[12:16] [1]="Ingenieurskunst",
[12:16] [3]=136243,
[12:16] [4]=0,
[12:16] [5]=0,
[12:16] [6]=0,
[12:16] [7]=4036


sry didnt understand it


[14:37] Dump: value=Skillet.tradeSkillIDsByName
[14:37] [1]={
[14:37] Alchimie=2259,
[14:37] Schneiderei=3908,
[14:37] Verzauberkunst=7411,
[14:37] ["Erste Hilfe"]=3273,
[14:37] Kochkunst=2550,
[14:37] Juwelenschleifen=25229,
[14:37] Ingenieurskunst=4036,
[14:37] Gifte=2842,
[14:37] Schmiedekunst=2018,
[14:37] Bergbau=2575,
[14:37] Lederverarbeitung=2108,
[14:37] ["Verhüttung"]=2656
[14:37] }


[14:38] Dump: value=Skillet.tradeSkillNamesByID
[14:38] [1]={
[14:38] [4036]="Ingenieurskunst",
[14:38] [2259]="Alchimie",
[14:38] [2575]="Bergbau",
[14:38] [3273]="Erste Hilfe",
[14:38] [7411]="Verzauberkunst",
[14:38] [25229]="Juwelenschleifen",
[14:38] [2108]="Lederverarbeitung",
[14:38] [2018]="Schmiedekunst",
[14:38] [2842]="Gifte",
[14:38] [2550]="Kochkunst",
[14:38] [3908]="Schneiderei",
[14:38] [2656]="Verhüttung"
[14:38] }


now its working - what a day - dont know what happens - didnt change anything
thanks a lot for your patience :D


Let me know if it happens again. I have found that after you first login, opening professions with Skillet-Classic can sometimes display bad data because the client hasn't fully synced with the server. If it does, close the profession and open it again and it should fix itself.


i will do if its happen again - hope that not <3