


Nothing happens when trying to copy profile from other char in skillet settings

KnowledegAndAction opened this issue · 6 comments


Skillet- Profile- copy from, nothing happens


Can you be more specific?

It works for me although there isn't any feedback that something happened. BTW, resetting the current profile may require a "/reload". The settings on the main Skillet, Appearance and Plugins pages are all "profile" specific and are initialized per character.

What would you like to happen?

Skillet-Classic uses ACE3 libraries including AceDB. This library manages the SavedVariables of an addon and offers profile management, smart defaults and child-databases for modules. Skillet-Classic doesn't do anything special with profiles other than use them to store per character data.


I have customized groups in skillet of character A, and now I want copy the exact whole customized groups to another char B.
When I login to char B, open skillet settings-profiles, choose "copy from" and click source profile, nothing happens.


The custom group code was written before my time with the project and it is not part of the profile. Unfortunately, none of the original authors are around to ask why. I'll look at moving it into the profile.




It will be a while. I've started looking at it and it could get messy.

If you are handy with a text editor and can understand a bit of lua then you could manually move your groups from one character to another. In the saved variables file Skillet-Classic.lua, search for GroupDB and GroupSN and do some creative cut and paste. You could create an empty (or single recipe) custom group on the second character to get you started.


Skillet-Classic-1.38-alpha3 should have moved custom groups into the profile. You should be able to copy one character's profile into another's and/or create a profile that is shared between characters.

Code exists to migrate your current custom groups but it has not been tested as much as I'd like so please let me know as soon as possible if it doesn't work for you.

I haven't tested shared custom groups when the characters that are sharing profession(s) have learned different recipes.

You should be able to use a shared profile when the professions with custom groups are unique to each character. For example, Character A knows Blacksmithing, Mining, Cooking, and First Aid; character B knows Leatherworking, Skinning, Cooking, and First Aid. Custom groups can be defined for Blacksmithing and Leatherworking without issue. Cooking and First Aid custom groups could have issues.