


lua error on creation/queue associated with auctionator plugin

chorp-cpu opened this issue ยท 2 comments


tbc classic skillet 1.38
auctionator 9.1.8-bcc
I am getting lua errors and unable to create/queue items. tried with eng and alchemy.

50x ...rfaceSkillet-Classic\Plugins\Auctionator-9.1.8.lua:318: attempt to call global 'Atr_GetAuctionBuyout' (a nil value)
[string "@Skillet-Classic\Plugins\Auctionator-9.1.8.lua"]:318: in function GetExtraText' [string "@Skillet-Classic\SkilletPlugin.lua"]:148: in function GetExtraText'
[string "@Skillet-Classic\UI\MainFrame.lua"]:1871: in function UpdateDetailsWindow' [string "@Skillet-Classic\UI\MainFrame.lua"]:904: in function UpdateTradeSkillWindow'
[string "@Skillet-Classic\UI\MainFrame.lua"]:2406: in function ScrollToSkillIndex' [string "@Skillet-Classic\Skillet-20502.nil.lua"]:1558: in function SetSelectedSkill'
[string "@Skillet-Classic\UI\MainFrame.lua"]:2327: in function `SkillButton_OnClick'
[string ":OnClick"]:2: in function <[string ":OnClick"]:1>

skill =

numRecursive = 0
id = "Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow"
difficulty = "optimal"
numCraftable = 1
name = "Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow"
category = "Elemental"
tools =
numCraftableVendor = 0
color =
numCraftableAlts = 0
recipe =
vendorOnly = false
numMade = 1
name = "Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow"
reagentData =
tools =
itemID = 22456
tradeID = 2259
spellID = "Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow"
label = "|rATR Buyout:"
extra_text = "|cffffffff0|r|cffeda55fc|r"
itemID = 22456
buyout = 0
toConcatLabel =
toConcatExtra =
cost = 0
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 1
(for step) = 1
i = 1
reagent =
id = 21885
numNeeded = 1
needed = 1
id = 21885
itemName = "Primal Water"
value = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 21885
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'Atr_GetAuctionBuyout' (a nil value)"
addonName = "Skillet-Classic"
L =
SHOWCRAFTCOUNTSNAME = "Show craftable counts"
IGNORELISTDESC = "Open the Ignored Materials list frame."
About = "About"
From Selection = "From Selection"
Move to Bottom = "Move to Bottom"
DISPLAYSHOPPINGLISTATBANKNAME = "Display shopping list at banks"
click here to add a note = "click here to add a note"
DISPLAYREQUIREDLEVELDESC = "If the item to be crafted requires a minimum level to use, that level will be displayed along with the recipe"
Collapse all groups = "Collapse all groups"
STANDBYNAME = "standby"
Using Reagent Bank for = "Using Reagent Bank for"
Filter = "Filter"
Start = "Start"
TradeSkillMaster must be in 'WOW UI' mode to use Skillet-Classic = ""
Rename = "Rename"
QUEUEGLYPHREAGENTSDESC = "If you can create a reagent needed for the current recipe, and don't have enough, then that reagent will be added to the queue. This option is separate for Glyphs only."
Sold amount = "Sold amount"
No headers, try again = "No headers, try again"
CONFIRMQUEUECLEARNAME = "Use Alt-click to clear queue"
Select All = "Select All"
Options = "Options"
SHOWITEMNOTESTOOLTIPNAME = "Add user specified notes to tooltip"
Queue = "Queue"
Set Favorite = "Set Favorite"
IGNOREBANKEDREAGENTSDESC = "Ignore banked reagents when queuing craftable reagents"
None = "None"
CLAMPTOSCREENNAME = "Clamp frames to screen"
Add to Ignore Materials = "Add to Ignore Materials"
Press Okay to continue changing professions = "Press Okay to continue changing professions"
can be created by crafting reagents = "can be created by crafting reagents"
SORTDESC = "Sort the recipe list from lowest (top) to highest (bottom)"
USEALTCURRVENDITEMSDESC = "Vendor items bought with alternate currencies are considered vendor supplied."
have = "have"
Trained = "Trained"
DISPLAYSHOPPINGLIST = "Display shopping list at:"
QUEUEGLYPHREAGENTSNAME = "Queue reagents for Glyphs"
Tooltip Scale = "Tooltip Scale"
DISPLAYSHOPPINGLISTATMERCHANTDESC = "Display a shopping list of the items that are needed to craft queued recipes but are not in your bags"
has cooldown of = "has cooldown of"
TRADEBUTTONSDESC = "Include TradeSkill buttons in frame"
Add Recipe to Ignored List = "Add Recipe to Ignored List"
QUEUEONLYVIEWNAME = "Only show Standalone Queue"
Inventory = "Inventory"
Rescan = "Rescan"
Purchased = "Purchased"
SCALEDESC = "Scale of the tradeskill window (default 1.0)"
Save = "Save"
Changing profession to = "Changing profession to"
Number of items to queue/create = "Number of items to queue/create"
Press Process to continue = "Press Process to continue"
can be created with reagents bought at vendor = "can be created with reagents bought at vendor"
Using Bank for = "Using Bank for"
SHOPPINGCLEARDESC = "Clear the shopping list"
STANDBYDESC = "Toggle standby mode on/off"
Include guild = "Include guild"
Flush Recipe Data = "Flush Recipe Data"
DISPLAYSHOPPINGLISTATAUCTIONNAME = "Display shopping list at auctions"
VENDORAUTOBUYDESC = "If you have queued recipes and talk to a vendor that sells something needed for those recipes, it will be automatically purchased."


skillet seems to work correctly with the non-official auctionator version: auctionator classicfix


Sorry I didn't see this issue until today. It has been fixed in Skillet-Classic-1.40.