[BUG]: NPCFrames Double Hook
Talyrius opened this issue · 4 comments
WoW Version
2x Ace3/AceHook-3.0-9/AceHook-3.0.lua:180: Attempting to rehook already active hook OnShow.
[string "@Ace3/AceHook-3.0-9/AceHook-3.0.lua"]:180: in function <Ace3/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.lua:118>
[string "@Ace3/AceHook-3.0-9/AceHook-3.0.lua"]:410: in function `SecureHookScript'
[string "@Skinner/RetailSupport/NPCFrames_Retail.lua"]:770: in function <...ceSkinner/RetailSupport/NPCFrames_Retail.lua:766>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Skinner/Core/UtilFuncs.lua"]:359: in function <Skinner/Core/UtilFuncs.lua:352>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua"]:94: in function <Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua:86>
[string "@Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua"]:111: in function <Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua:110>
self = <table> {
blizzLoDFrames = <table> {
blizzFrames = <table> {
bColour = <table> {
rarrow = "→"
larrow = "←"
mmButs = <table> {
db = <table> {
isTT = false
Backdrop = <table> {
bdTexName = "Solid"
isClscERAPTR = false
iofDD = <table> {
bdbTexName = "GM"
isRtl = true
nearrow = "↗"
ttDelay = 0.200000
ttHook = <table> {
isClsc = false
name = "Skinner"
ebRgns = <table> {
isClscERA = false
L = <table> {
pbtt = <table> {
BTr = 0.600000
modUIBtns = <table> {
iofSkinnedPanels = <table> {
DBIcon = <table> {
BTb = 0
itTex = -22273
lodAddons = <table> {
prdb = <table> {
backdrop = <table> {
nwarrow = "↖"
swarrow = "↙"
ItemPimper = true
ACD = <table> {
ttList = <table> {
tabFrames = <table> {
isClscBeta = false
fontDS = fontDS {
BTg = 0.600000
HTg = 0.800000
gmaxClr = <table> {
callbacks = <table> {
hooks = <table> {
optionsFrames = <table> {
isRtlPTR = false
isRtlPTRX = true
iofBtn = <table> {
LSM = <table> {
HTb = 0
optTables = <table> {
uName = "Talyrius"
lmAddons = <table> {
modBtns = true
isRtlBeta = false
isPatch = true
downarrow = "↓"
gradientCBar = <table> {
gradFrames = <table> {
HT = <table> {
bbColour = <table> {
libsToSkin = <table> {
gearcog = "⛯"
initialized = <table> {
gradientTab = <table> {
uCls = "SHAMAN"
fontSBX = fontSBX {
addonsToSkin = <table> {
tFDIDs = <table> {
fontS = fontS {
modules = <table> {
ACR = <table> {
fontP = fontP {
BT = <table> {
enabledState = true
modFCBtns = true
fontDP = fontDP {
oocTab = <table> {
searrow = "↘"
IT = <table> {
sbGlazed = <table> {
DT = <table> {
uparrow = "↑"
optCheck = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
HTr = 0.800000
tbClr = <table> {
bbClr = <table> {
bClr = <table> {
gminClr = <table> {
sbClr = <table> {
sbTexture = "Interface\AddOns\oUF_Talyrius\media\MelliDark"
orderedModules = <table> {
otherAddons = <table> {
gradientTex = 130937
baseName = "Skinner"
ignoreQT = <table> {
aboutPanels = <table> {
defaultModuleState = true
skinTPLs = <table> {
isClscPTR = false
obj = WorldMapFrame {
NavBar = Frame {
TitleCanvasSpacerFrame = Frame {
minimizedHeight = 534
lockReasons = <table> {
callbackTables = <table> {
overlayFrames = <table> {
pinPools = <table> {
dataProviderEventsCount = <table> {
mouseClickHandlers = <table> {
sf = Frame {
isMaximized = false
QuestLog = QuestMapFrame {
SidePanelToggle = Button {
questLogWidth = 333
minimizedWidth = 702
debugAreaTriggers = false
pinsToNudge = <table> {
globalPinMouseActionHandlers = <table> {
pinFrameLevelsManager = <table> {
cursorHandlers = <table> {
pinTemplateTypes = <table> {
dataProviders = <table> {
detailLayerPool = <table> {
isUndefinedEventAllowed = true
BorderFrame = Frame {
BlackoutFrame = Frame {
ScrollContainer = ScrollFrame {
MouseAction = <table> {
activeAreaTriggers = <table> {
debugInspectionSystem = "MapCanvas"
navBar = Frame {
method = "OnShow"
script = true
secure = true
raw = false
forceSecure = false
usage = "Usage: SecureHookScript(object, method, [handler])"
protectedScripts = <table> {
OnClick = true
onceSecure = <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
QuestFrame_SetTextColor = true
LFGRewardsFrame_SetItemButton = true
= <table> {
RollOnLoot = true
GetLootRollItemInfo = true
= <table> {
GetLootRollTimeLeft = true
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
QuestFrame_SetTitleTextColor = true
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
GetLootRollItemLink = true
registry = <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
I can't replicate this issue.
Does this happen when Skinner is the only AddOn enabled?
Can you post your Skinner SV file and a list of your installed AddOns please. I think that maybe one of those AddOns may be causing this.
It occurs alongside a local fork of WorldFlightMap.
Are you using the latest version of Skinner? It is beta11.56647.1.
I ask because the error you posted has the previous version's line numbers which have changed in the latest version.
Yes, I posted it immediately after installing it.
After wiping the saved bugs and reloading:
1x Ace3/AceHook-3.0-9/AceHook-3.0.lua:180: Attempting to rehook already active hook OnShow.
[string "@Ace3/AceHook-3.0-9/AceHook-3.0.lua"]:180: in function <Ace3/AceHook-3.0/AceHook-3.0.lua:118>
[string "@Ace3/AceHook-3.0-9/AceHook-3.0.lua"]:410: in function `SecureHookScript'
[string "@Skinner/RetailSupport/NPCFrames_Retail.lua"]:770: in function <...ceSkinner/RetailSupport/NPCFrames_Retail.lua:766>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Skinner/Core/UtilFuncs.lua"]:358: in function <Skinner/Core/UtilFuncs.lua:351>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua"]:93: in function <Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua:86>
[string "@Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua"]:110: in function <Skinner/Core/AddonFrames.lua:109>
self = <table> {
blizzLoDFrames = <table> {
blizzFrames = <table> {
bColour = <table> {
rarrow = "→"
larrow = "←"
mmButs = <table> {
db = <table> {
isTT = false
Backdrop = <table> {
bdTexName = "Solid"
isClscERAPTR = false
iofDD = <table> {
bdbTexName = "GM"
isRtl = true
nearrow = "↗"
ttDelay = 0.200000
ttHook = <table> {
isClsc = false
name = "Skinner"
ebRgns = <table> {
isClscERA = false
L = <table> {
pbtt = <table> {
BTr = 0.600000
modUIBtns = <table> {
iofSkinnedPanels = <table> {
DBIcon = <table> {
BTb = 0
itTex = -22273
lodAddons = <table> {
prdb = <table> {
backdrop = <table> {
nwarrow = "↖"
swarrow = "↙"
ItemPimper = true
ACD = <table> {
ttList = <table> {
tabFrames = <table> {
isClscBeta = false
fontDS = fontDS {
BTg = 0.600000
HTg = 0.800000
gmaxClr = <table> {
callbacks = <table> {
hooks = <table> {
optionsFrames = <table> {
isRtlPTR = false
isRtlPTRX = false
iofBtn = <table> {
LSM = <table> {
HTb = 0
optTables = <table> {
uName = "Talyrius"
lmAddons = <table> {
modBtns = true
isRtlBeta = false
isPatch = false
downarrow = "↓"
gradientCBar = <table> {
gradFrames = <table> {
HT = <table> {
bbColour = <table> {
libsToSkin = <table> {
gearcog = "⛯"
initialized = <table> {
gradientTab = <table> {
uCls = "SHAMAN"
fontSBX = fontSBX {
addonsToSkin = <table> {
tFDIDs = <table> {
fontS = fontS {
modules = <table> {
ACR = <table> {
fontP = fontP {
BT = <table> {
enabledState = true
modFCBtns = true
fontDP = fontDP {
oocTab = <table> {
searrow = "↘"
IT = <table> {
sbGlazed = <table> {
DT = <table> {
uparrow = "↑"
optCheck = <table> {
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
HTr = 0.800000
tbClr = <table> {
bbClr = <table> {
bClr = <table> {
gminClr = <table> {
sbClr = <table> {
sbTexture = "Interface\AddOns\oUF_Talyrius\media\MelliDark"
orderedModules = <table> {
otherAddons = <table> {
gradientTex = 130937
baseName = "Skinner"
ignoreQT = <table> {
aboutPanels = <table> {
defaultModuleState = true
skinTPLs = <table> {
isClscPTR = false
obj = WorldMapFrame {
NavBar = Frame {
TitleCanvasSpacerFrame = Frame {
minimizedHeight = 534
lockReasons = <table> {
callbackTables = <table> {
overlayFrames = <table> {
pinPools = <table> {
dataProviderEventsCount = <table> {
mouseClickHandlers = <table> {
sf = Frame {
isMaximized = false
QuestLog = QuestMapFrame {
SidePanelToggle = Button {
questLogWidth = 333
minimizedWidth = 702
debugAreaTriggers = false
pinsToNudge = <table> {
globalPinMouseActionHandlers = <table> {
pinFrameLevelsManager = <table> {
cursorHandlers = <table> {
pinTemplateTypes = <table> {
dataProviders = <table> {
detailLayerPool = <table> {
isUndefinedEventAllowed = true
BorderFrame = Frame {
BlackoutFrame = Frame {
ScrollContainer = ScrollFrame {
MouseAction = <table> {
activeAreaTriggers = <table> {
debugInspectionSystem = "MapCanvas"
navBar = Frame {
method = "OnShow"
script = true
secure = true
raw = false
forceSecure = false
usage = "Usage: SecureHookScript(object, method, [handler])"
protectedScripts = <table> {
OnClick = true
onceSecure = <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
LFGRewardsFrame_SetItemButton = true
= <table> {
RollOnLoot = true
GetLootRollItemInfo = true
GetLootRollTimeLeft = true
= <table> {
QuestFrame_SetTextColor = true
= <table> {
QuestFrame_SetTitleTextColor = true
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
GetLootRollItemLink = true
registry = <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {
= <table> {