Soulshape Journal

Soulshape Journal


Tracking quest IDs for Cat Soul (Well Fed) and Corgi Soul

Dairyman opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Cat Soul (Well Fed): 64982
Corgi Soul: 64939


I've ran /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64939)) on a character that unlocked the Corgi Soul and it returned false. Even if the quest is meant to track that soul I can't reliably use it.


As an update, I just did it on a Horde character with quest debugging and got this:

[11:57:20] You pet Sparkle.
[11:57:22] Sparkle barks excitedly at you!
[11:57:22] DEBUG: Quest 64938 changed: false => true

And on an Alliance character:

[12:00:24] You pet Sparkle.
[12:00:25] Sparkle barks excitedly at you!
[12:00:26] DEBUG: Quest 64938 changed: false => true

And just to confirm Ma'oh's one:

[12:57:37] You receive loot: [Spectral Feed]
[12:58:39] You meow at Ma'oh.
[12:58:40] Ma'oh meows at you hungrily.
[12:58:44] Ma'oh meows loudly, enjoying the meal.
[12:58:44] DEBUG: Quest 64982 changed: false => true

@madcowfred Thanks for the detailed info. Out of curiosity, how did you get that debug output for quests?


@madcowfred Thanks for the detailed info. Out of curiosity, how did you get that debug output for quests?

I've been using the HandyNotes Shadowlands developer mode for it, I believe ALL THE THINGS also has a debug mode that does something similar - explains how to enable. It's basically just a timer that queries every single quest you've completed every 1-2 seconds and tells you when anything changes, but it's been highly useful!