Autosell LUA error/not working
Crystalinn opened this issue ยท 7 comments
LUA Error in question:
Message: Usage: local itemIDs = C_EquipmentSet.GetItemIDs(equipmentSetID)
Time: Wed Jul 18 10:59:43 2018
Count: 1
Stack: Usage: local itemIDs = C_EquipmentSet.GetItemIDs(equipmentSetID)
[C]: in function GetItemIDs' Interface\AddOns\SpartanUI\components\AutoSell.lua:336: in function
Interface\AddOns\SpartanUI\components\AutoSell.lua:380: in function <Interface\AddOns\SpartanUI\components\AutoSell.lua:375>
Locals: (*temporary) = "Usage: local itemIDs = C_EquipmentSet.GetItemIDs(equipmentSetID)"
Fixed in d48845f Make sure you are running SpartanUI 4.6.2
I opened the vendor tonight and of course no error. Will dig into more this weekend when i have more time and a better setup to test stuff.
It does a bit. On the flip side my druid has 3 sets but is not getting the error. Will test this one out more tonight when i get back.
It seems to only happen on characters that have equipment sets. Fully up to date sets or sets missing literally everything, they get LUAs.
Characters that don't have sets at all, get no LUA error and the autosell proceeds as normal.
I hope this helps?
more info in #40