[Wrath Bug Report] SpawnFrames error
fibbetmoff opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Greetings! So, every time I log in to WotLK Classic, I get the error below. I am not well versed in this. I've poked around in the front-end in-game but can't find anything related to "SpawnFrames," and I don't know if there is a particular addon I'm using alongside SpartanUI that is interfering somehow, so I am not sure how to fix this on my end. How can I keep this from popping up every time I log in or reload? Thank you for your time!! :)
Date: 2022-12-06 01:08:41
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...\AddOns\SpartanUI\modules\UnitFrames\SpawnFrames.lua line 61:
attempt to index field 'DB' (a nil value)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@..\FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua"]:674:
[string "@..\FrameXML\RestrictedFrames.lua"]:812: CallMethod()
[string " local header = self:GetParent()
local frames = table.new()
table.insert(frames, self)
for i = 1, #frames do
local frame = frames[i]
local unit
-- There's no need to do anything on frames with onlyProcessChildren
if(not frame:GetAttribute('oUF-onlyProcessChildren')) then
-- Attempt to guess what the header is set to spawn.
local groupFilter = header:GetAttribute('groupFilter')
if(type(groupFilter) == 'string' and groupFilter:match('MAIN[AT]')) then
local role = groupFilter:match('MAIN([AT])')
if(role == 'T') then
unit = 'maintank'
unit = 'mainassist'
elseif(header:GetAttribute('showRaid')) then
unit = 'raid'
elseif(header:GetAttribute('showParty')) then
unit = 'party'
local headerType = header:GetAttribute('oUF-headerType')
local suffix = frame:GetAttribute('unitsuffix')
if(unit and suffix) then
if(headerType == 'pet' and suffix == 'target') then
unit = unit .. headerType .. suffix
unit = unit .. suffix
elseif(unit and headerType == 'pet') then
unit = unit .. headerType
frame:SetAttribute('*type1', 'target')
frame:SetAttribute('*type2', 'togglemenu')
frame:SetAttribute('oUF-guessUnit', unit)
local body = header:GetAttribute('oUF-initialConfigFunction')
if(body) then
frame:Run(body, unit)
header:CallMethod('styleFunction', self:GetName())
local clique = header:GetFrameRef('clickcast_header')
if(clique) then
clique:SetAttribute('clickcast_button', self)
[string " local header = self:GetParent()..."]:1
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@..\FrameXML\RestrictedExecution.lua"]:484:
[string "@..\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua"]:116:
[string "@..\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua"]:173:
[string "@..\FrameXML\SecureGroupHeaders.lua"]:495:
[string "=[C]"]: Show()
[string "@SpartanUI\modules\UnitFrames\Units\party.lua"]:64: groupbuilder()
[string "@SpartanUI\modules\UnitFrames\Handlers\Units.lua"]:94: BuildGroup()
[string "@SpartanUI\modules\UnitFrames\SpawnFrames.lua"]:286: SpawnFrames()
[string "@SpartanUI\modules\UnitFrames\Framework.lua"]:156:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@bartender4\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:66:
[string "@bartender4\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:523: EnableAddon()
[string "@bartender4\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:536: EnableAddon()
[string "@bartender4\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:626:
Swatter, v3.4.6837 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AtlasLootClassic, vv3.0.7
AtlasLootClassicData, vv3.0.7
AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv3.0.7
BagBrother, v
Bagnon, v10.0.10
Bartender4, v4.14.3
DBMCore, v5bd31e2
DBMSoundEventsPack, v1.6.20
DBMSpellTimers, vr143
DBMStatusBarTimers, v5bd31e2
DBMVPVEM, vfce23ce
Details, v#Details.DF.Wrath.10333.147
DetailsCompare2, v
DetailsEncounterDetails, v
DetailsRaidCheck, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
DetailsVanguard, v
GatherMate2, v1.46.3-classic
LeatrixMaps, v3.0.65
Questie, v7.4.5
SlideBar, v3.4.6851 (SwimmingSeadragon)
SpartanUI, v6.1.29
Stubby, v3.4.6816 (SwimmingSeadragon)
TacoTip, v0.3.4
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v3.4.0.30400
I am getting the same error in Retail.
I originally could not get Party frames to display in Spartan so had disabled the frame in UnitFrames.
Whilst testing this a couple of times I have now ended up with the error shown above and the UnitFrames options having completely disappeared from the Spartan UI menu
I originally could not get Party frames to display in Spartan so had disabled the frame in UnitFrames.
Whilst testing this a couple of times I have now ended up with the error shown above and the UnitFrames options having completely disappeared from the Spartan UI menu
Sounds like a setting is erroring and corrupted the unit frames, can you export your unitframe profile /sui
export button on the bottom of the window, then uncheck everything except unit frames. and post that string here?
As requested here is the output from the Export function -
Found {Reset UnitFrame Customizations] option - and that has re-enabled Unit Frames
So all good!!