Sticky Roll

Sticky Roll


Sticky Roll is a small addon that allows you to /roll for your whole raid at once, rather than everyone rolling themselves and then having to scroll through a bunch of chat to find the winner. This is great for giveaways/door prizes, in particular, where you want to just assign an item to a random person in the group. (You still have to trade the item, however.)


- Type "/sroll" or "/roller" in your preferred chat frame.

- Rolls will be listed from highest to lowest with player names next to each.

- Ties ARE possible so I suggest having your tied players /roll in game to prevent spamming the chat frame with another full roll roster.

- The default roll number is 100 but you can add a maximum number after the command for custom roll counts, which can help prevent ties. For example: "/sroll 500" or "/roller 1000", etc.

Formerly known as Katedra Roller (originally created by Radamenes and updated with their permission) StickyRoll is now maintained by SatPagle.


See my other addons here:

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