LUA error: bad argument #2 to 'format'
Andomar48 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
When completing the quest "The End of Former Friends", this LUA error pops up:
Message: Interface\AddOns\Storyline\events.lua:610: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
Time: Sun Nov 29 22:45:01 2020
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Storyline\events.lua:610: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Storyline\events.lua"]:610: in function `finishMethod'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Storyline\events.lua"]:564: in function <Interface\AddOns\Storyline\events.lua:545>
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Storyline\logic.lua"]:307: in function <Interface\AddOns\Storyline\logic.lua:211>
[string "@Interface\AddOns\Storyline\events.lua"]:800: in function <Interface\AddOns\Storyline\events.lua:798>