


Add in option for easy in-game bug report :)

Hectography opened this issue · 2 comments


I think it'd be great if there was a tiny button (toggle-able) on dialogue windows that we could click to note that that NPC (or quest text or whatever) is bugged. It's very rare for me nowadays but I think it might be helpful for you guys to have that? The only bugs I ever see are the NPC being too large or too small (has been a looooong time tho) but seeing Warden Moi'bff Jill in Telaar twitching got me to write this suggestion.. reminds me of my dad who has Parkinson's - sad to see XD He just shakes and it sucks to see lol. We have to run the dialogue dozens of times to turn in these warbeads for Kurenai rep...

Love your work! been using your add-on consistently in retail and on Kronos way back before Classic :)


Hi. Unfortunately there is no way to send data to the Internet from an addon, so such feature cannot be implemented.

I could implement a button that will turn off animations for a specific NPC, so that if they are bugged they are not distracting if you have to interact with them several times. But that would be local to your settings.
