


11.0 error

LordBoos opened this issue ยท 2 comments


On 11.0 I cannot complete any quests using Storyline 3.4.3. It throws this error instead of opening the rewards page:

Storyline/rewards/rewards.lua:175: attempt to call upvalue 'GetNumRewardCurrencies' (a nil value)
[string "@Storyline/rewards/rewards.lua"]:175: in function `?'
[string "@Storyline/rewards/rewards.lua"]:500: in function `getRewards'
[string "@Storyline/events.lua"]:301: in function `?'
[string "@Storyline/events.lua"]:433: in function <Storyline/events.lua:407>
[string "@Storyline/events.lua"]:489: in function <Storyline/events.lua:439>
[string "@Storyline/events.lua"]:520: in function <Storyline/events.lua:495>
[string "@Storyline/logic.lua"]:586: in function <Storyline/logic.lua:570>

rewards = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call upvalue 'GetNumRewardCurrencies' (a nil value)"
GetNumRewardCurrencies = nil
GetQuestCurrencyInfo = nil

I just released a new 3.4.4 version which should appear soon on CF/Wago to deal with the issue. Let me know if you still have trouble after the update.


I gonna put this here because the bug I have is similar. I also get it while accepting quests and problem is since 11.0.0 version of the game. But I have a different lua error.
Sorry if this is not related at all.

25x Storyline/lib/lib.lua:212: Action[SetPoint] failed because[SetPoint would result in anchor family connection]: attempted from: Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContent:SetPoint.
[string "=[C]"]: in function SetPoint' [string "@Storyline/lib/lib.lua"]:212: in function <Storyline/lib/lib.lua:188> [string "@Storyline/events.lua"]:593: in function finishMethod'
[string "@Storyline/events.lua"]:523: in function <Storyline/events.lua:495>
[string "@Storyline/logic.lua"]:586: in function <Storyline/logic.lua:570>

(*temporary) = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContent {
RequiredItemText = FontString {
WarbandCompleted = FontString {
ArrowUP = Texture {
GlowTop = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowTop {
BG = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentBg {
ArrowGlowUP = Texture {
Objectives = FontString {
ShadowBottomLeft = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowBottomLeft {
ArrowLEFT = Texture {
ArrowGlowLEFT = Texture {
ArrowDOWN = Texture {
ArrowGlowRIGHT = Texture {
GlowLeft = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowLeft {
ShadowLeft = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowLeft {
ArrowRIGHT = Texture {
ArrowGlowDOWN = Texture {
ShadowBottomRight = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowBottomRight {
ShadowRight = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowRight {
ShadowTop = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowTop {
GlowBottom = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowBottom {
ShadowBottom = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowBottom {
ShadowTopRight = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowTopRight {
GroupSuggestion = FontString {
GlowTopRight = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowTopRight {
Title = FontString {
GlowTopLeft = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowTopLeft {
ShadowTopLeft = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentShadowTopLeft {
GlowRight = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowRight {
GlowBottomRight = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowBottomRight {
GlowBottomLeft = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectivesContentGlowBottomLeft {
(*temporary) = "TOP"
(*temporary) = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectives {
titleText = "Quest Objectives"
bodyText = "Check objectives"
GenFrameAnch = "ANCHOR_TOP"
GenFrameY = 0
GenFrame = Storyline_NPCFrameObjectives {
OK = Texture {
GenFrameX = 0
(*temporary) = "BOTTOM"
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = -20