Proposing Fixes for WoW BFA
blueberryiswar opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Just working on fixing some of the errors in my local checkout, I update you here about the changes.
UnitCastingInfo has changed according to Blizzard, see here:
The second value, originally rank, is dropped.
Had this changes in:
SVUI_UnitFrams/libs/oUF/elements/castbar.lua on line 64 (remove second field)
local name, text, texture, startTime, endTime, tradeskill, castid, interrupt = UnitCastingInfo(unit)
Same thing has happened with Aura, rank is dropped, changed here:
SVUI_Auras/SVUI_Auras.lua on line 172
local name, icon, count, dispelType, val, expires, caster = UnitAura(unit, auraIndex, filter)
See #199 on changes to make unitframe work in general (probably removing functions related to artifacts)
Will post more when I fix anything else.
Thank you for the great addon! Came back to WoW from a break since Vanilla and just love this GUI :)
Two more occurences of the same, remove rank (mostly named _):
SVUI_UnitFrames/libs/oUF/elements/castbar.lua lines: 207, 253, 311
SVU_UnitFrames/libs/oUF/elements/aura.lua lines: 483, 487, 490
With reputation changes, an error pops up that values are nil.
Added a check here for nil value to prevent error. Have to look into how the API changed and why there are nil values here later.
if (type == "FACTION") then
if (name ~= nil) then
if IsInGuild() then
-- Check name for guild reputation
if name == GUILD then
name = (GetGuildInfo("player"))
if not name or name == "" or name == nil then return end
if not reputationChanges[name] then
reputationChanges[name] = amount
reputationChanges[name] = reputationChanges[name] + amount
Problem with error "x is a string", fixed by assuming there is one more string value in the call:
Lines 84 to 87 in 8788404
local Hook_QuestNPCModel = function(self, _, _, _, _, x, y)
Added one more _, before x. seems to work now.
Then, according to blizzards post, WorldMapAreaID doesn't exist anymore and is now named uiMapId instead. Got an error after accepting quest, here:
Lines 564 to 568 in 8788404
Changed it to:
mapID, floorNumber = GetQuestUiMapID(questID)
Hopefully that works