SuperVillain UI

SuperVillain UI


Visual issues since 8.2 patch

CuddlePufff opened this issue ยท 2 comments

  • Quest tracker not working/defaulted to blizzard ui
  • Chat section not working/defaulted to blizzard ui
  • Maps section not working/defaulted to blizzard ui
  • Castbar has blue+white chessboard style pixels
  • Craftomatic not showing, seems all bars on top and bottom (by default if you haven't moved them) have disappeared completely as well.
  • Experience/Time/FPS+MS/Gold etc bar down the bottom collapsed into small area

No error message for any of this.

Screenshot provided. All modules are on.



i am having the same issue but i am getting this error message

SKINS [CUSTOM_MISC]: @(06/27/19 17:12:06) -...rface\AddOns\SVUI_Skins\components\blizzard\misc.lua:743: attempt to index global 'WorldStateScoreScrollFrameScrollBar' (a nil value)


so i got "chatter" and that at least fixed my chat window.... but, i had to do a fark ton of tweaking to get it just right, you can still use SVUI backgrounds and it still looks awesome, have not found a workaround for minimap in the corner or questtracker yet, am still looking, i would really prefer for an update to the SVUI to fix, but, this is sadly what i have came across thus far... if i figure out anything else, i will let you know