SuperVillain UI

SuperVillain UI


Quest Tracker Flickering (supervillain-ui-1.3.9 / supervillain-ui-master)

FelesNoctis opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I recently got back into WoW, and grabbed the newest version of SVUI from Curse. I noticed that while most things seemed to be alright, there were a few kinks. Discovering there were some changes here, I downloaded this version, and while it fixed some problems, one major one that seems to be consistent between both is the Quest Tracker flickering.

When left alone to just display current quests it'll blink every so often. When actively tracking a quest it turns into a rave party, flickering rapidly. The coordinates display under the minimap also seems to be affected periodically, but it seems only when actively tracking a quest.

I've tested this on two different computers with different hardware, graphical configurations, and SVUI settings adjustments, same problem. I thought it might be a mismatch with my frame-rate so I tried vsync, no change. I disabled all other addons besides SVUI, it didn't appear to help. I've cleaned my cache and WTF folders with no change. I went through turning bits of SVUI on and off by themselves, and the one that seems to be causing the extreme flickering is the Unitframes portion, oddly enough. With SVUI_Unitframes disabled the flickering is reduced to the slow, periodic blink regardless of tracking a quest or not.

Visual example:

When reduced to just SVUI_!Core and SVUI_QuestTracker the slow blink remains. It doesn't seem to be throwing any error log from what I can tell, the only sign of it is visual.

Having searched around this seems to be an issue that's existed for a while. Haven't found much related to cause yet.


I've been experiencing this issue as well, so you're not alone. Seems to have been introduced sometime midway through Legion as this was never present during WoD.


Don't use the version from Curse. Please use the latest version from here and tell me if it still happens.


At the time of posting I was using the latest version from here. I switched to another UI a couple days back, it was too distracting.

Just now:

  • 1.) Cleared Cache
  • 2.) Wiped WTF
  • 3.) Wiped Interface
  • 4.) Installed newest commit of SVUI
  • 5.) Disabled Track-O-Matic

The rapid strobing seems to have been fixed, but SVUI's quest tracker is still blinking periodically. This time I caught it changing the icon of the active quest, that might be related? Every time I click on the (ready for turn-in) quest's track icon it switches to the question mark, there's a blink a moment or two later, and it's back to an exclamation. It seems to blink once every 8 seconds or so regardless of what I'm doing, and it's no longer affecting the minimap coordinates module from what I can tell.


Confirmed still present, only blinks the quests, not tracked achievements.


Movement seems to antagonise it into blinking. don't know if possible minor zone change may be making it check for next closest quest?