Syling Tracker

Syling Tracker


"Show Details" window

Arkewas opened this issue ยท 2 comments


when I right-click on a quest and select "Show details" the result is a empty window with the word "Description" only. Also when this issue is fixed would it to be possible to make the "Show details" option as the default one when I left click on a quest ?. In my opinion this windows is more compact and readable than the default "World map with objective description" and furthermore it already has a "Show map" button.
Thanks in advance
Syling tracker empty description
World map with objective description



The fix will be included in the 2.5.0.

Also when this issue is fixed would it to be possible to make the "Show details" option as the default one when I left click on a quest ?

A way will be added in the future for changing the behavior of left, middle and right click.


Good news, thank you very much.