Syling Tracker

Syling Tracker


Error message

AmenitradieDruidin opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

I always get the following error message:
6x SylingTracker\SylingTracker-0.1.3-release.lua:72: Usage: SLT.Database.Clean(System.ClassType) - the 1st argument can't be nil
[string "@scorpio\Core.lua"]:75: in function <Scorpio\Core.lua:70>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

2x ...\SylingTracker\Contents\Quests\QuestCategoryView.lua:144: attempt to call method 'ReleaseQuestsz' (a nil value)
[string "@scorpio\Core.lua"]:321: in function <Scorpio\Core.lua:165>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?

Do you have an error log of what happened?
The error message just goes on. Get the message from Bugsack.

What is the version of SylingTracker you use ?

What are the versions of PLoop and Scorpio you use ?

  • PLoop: 8.3.0
  • Scorpio: 8.3.0

The errors are due to typo. I have pushed an update for fixing them.
Sorry for disturbing.