Syling Tracker

Syling Tracker


Automatically hide Syling Tracker during Flying masters' flights

Arkewas opened this issue · 2 comments



is it possible to add a option to automatically hide Syling Tracker during Flying masters' flights and automatically show it after landing at flight path destination ? Alternatively a command in advanced visibility rules maybe, like [combat] hide; for example

Thank you


After searching on the Web I've found that with the macro command [petbattle] hide you can hide Syling Tracker during pet battles and show it when the battle ends. I'm still searching for a similar macro for flight paths but I don't know if it exists :)


With the help of the following list I've found the solution.
Currently I'm using this macros in advanced visibility rules settings:

[combat] hide; [petbattle] hide; [flying] hide; [flyable] hide; [mounted] hide; [vehicleui] hide; default

This is the list of macro so you can set Syling Trackers rules when certain conditions are met:

[actionbar:1/.../6] or [bar:1/.../6] — Given action bar page is selected
[bonusbar:5] — The possess bar is active (controlling a vehicle or another player)
[channeling:] — Channeling the given spell
[combat] — You are in combat
[dead] — Target is dead
[equipped:] or [worn:] — item type is equipped (item type can be an inventory slot, item type, or item subtype)
[exists] — You have a target
[flyable] — In a zone where flying is allowed
[flying] — Mounted or in flight form AND in the air
[group: party/raid] — You are in the given type of group
[harm] — Can cast harmful spells on the target
[help] — Can cast helpful spells on the target
[indoors] — Self explanatory
[modifier:shift/ctrl/alt] or [mod:shift/ctrl/alt] — Holding the given key
[mounted] — Self explanatory
[outdoors] — Self explanatory
[party] — Target is in your party
[pet:] — The given pet is out
[raid] — Target is in your raid/party
[spec:1/2] — Currently active talents
[stance:0/1/2/.../n] or [form:0/.../n] — In a stance
[stealth] — Stealthed
[swimming] — Self explanatory
[unithasvehicleui] — Target is in a vehicle
[vehicleui] — You are in a vehicle