Talent Sequence

Talent Sequence


1.12 version loading

Road-block opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Only way I had addon load on 1.12 is with this change to the .toc

## Dependencies: Blizzard_TalentUI

Which is to force the addon to only load after Blizzard_TalentUI loads.

local talentSequenceEventFrame = CreateFrame("Frame");
talentSequenceEventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function()
    if (not TalentSequenceTalents) then
        TalentSequenceTalents = {};
    if (IsTalentSequenceExpanded == 0) then
        IsTalentSequenceExpanded = false;

at the tail end of TalentSequence.lua


That is interesting, since the TalentUI is Load On Demand and Talent Sequence is not. It should just work, like it does for me...

@Road-block, can you run the command /run local a,b,c=GetBuildInfo();DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("version=%s, build=%s, date=%s",a,b,c)) in game and tell me the output? I want to make sure it's not a client issue.


version=1.12.1, build=5875, date=Sep 19 2006


Yep, same as mine. What other addons are you using?


Client loading process changed through expansions.
In 1.12 the event signifying addon saved variables load is VARIABLES_LOADED

In later expansions (and modern wow) VARIABLES_LOADED was re-purposed to signify loading of Blizzard saved variables and decoupled from user addons, whose saved variables loading is now linked to ADDON_LOADED where arg1 == 'addonName`.

Depending on addons the user is running (in 1.12) it can happen that by the time your specific ADDON_LOADED event fires VARIABLES_LOADED has also fired and so initialization can work coincidentally but will not work for all users.

To answer your question though, I am running a bunch of other addons but no addons that replace or modify Blizzard_TalentUI.

# RequiredDeps (or the synonymous # Dependencies) causes the client to defer loading of Addon A (TalentSequence) until Addon B (Blizzard_TalentUI) regardless of LoadOnDemand status.
To dynamically load TalentSequence when Blizzard_TalentUI loads explicitly, a pair of .toc tags would instead be needed:

  • # LoadOnDemand: 1
  • # LoadWith: Blizzard_TalentUI

Thanks for the great info! It's not too easy to find stuff like this searching the general web. I'll be sure to get some changes made to make it work more generally.


Can you try the beta version available at https://github.com/fusionpit/TalentSequence/releases/tag/1.1v-beta1 and see if it fixes your issue?


Tested both cold login as well as /console reloadui (loading sequence is slightly different in each case)
Works fine now, good job ๐Ÿ˜ƒ



Thank you for the confirmation, I appreciate it.