Talented Classic

Talented Classic


Error on load

Zephryl87 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Date: 2020-10-03 14:06:32
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Talented\editmode.lua line 109:
bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
[C]: ?
Talented\editmode.lua:109: ValidateTemplate()
Talented\core.lua:468: LoadTemplates()
[C]: ?
...ce\AddOns\Details\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:498: InitializeAddon()
Swatter, v8.2.6377 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Ace3, v
AceGUI30SFXWidgets, v1.0.1
Aptechka, v1.13.62
Atlas, vv1.47.03.11304.00
AtlasClassicWoW, vv1.47.02.11304.00
AtlasLootClassic, vv1.5.6
AtlasLootClassicData, vv1.5.6
AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv1.5.6
AtlasQuest, v4.11.66
ATTClassic, v0.3.2
AucAdvanced, v8.2.6430 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucFilterBasic, v8.2.6364 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatHistogram, v8.2.6366 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatiLevel, v8.2.6370 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatPurchased, v8.2.6367 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatSimple, v8.2.6399 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatStdDev, v8.2.6369 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucUtilFixAH, v8.2.6371 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AutoLoggerClassic, vv1.3-release
BasicMinimap, vv3-classic
BCT, v1.37
BeanCounter, v8.2.6434 (SwimmingSeadragon)
BestInSlotClassic, v2.5.3
BetterVendorPrice, vv1.13.06
BijouRR, v1.1.6
Capping, vv4-classic
CharacterStatsClassic, v3.6.3
CharacterTooltip, v1.0.4
ClassicSpellActivations, v
DBMCore, v1.13.60
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
Details, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
Dominos, v8.3.12
DominosCast, v
DominosProgress, v
DominosRoll, v
EavesDrop, v1.0.0
EnchantrixBarker, v8.2.6469 (SwimmingSeadragon)
FADEWorldTimers, v1.0
FastGuildInvite, v76
FreeRefills, v116
GroupCalendar, v
GuildRosterManager, v1.895
Guildbook, v2.3.4
Hemlock, v1.1.3
honorspy, v1.7.7
ItemRack, v
LeatrixMaps, v1.13.80
LibStub, v
LootReserve, v2020-09-10
Masque, v8.3.1
MasqueApathy, v8.3.2
MasqueCaith, v8.3.2
MasqueCirque, v8.3.1
MasqueEntropy, v8.3.2
MasqueSerenity, v8.3.2
MBB, v1.1.1
MissingTradeSkillsList, v1.13.51
MoreItemStats, v1.2.4
NovaWorldBuffs, v1.81
OmniCC, v8.3.6
Peggle, v2.2.8
PerfectDominanceLootPriority, v1.0
PowerRaid, v3.2.4
Prat30, v3.8.26
Prat30Libraries, v
Prio3, v20200827
Quartz, v3.5-classic-5
Questie, v6.0.5
RaidHelper, v
RollTrackerClassic, v2.21
SafeQueue, vv3.6
ScepCalendar, v0.1a
ShadowedUnitFrames, vv4.2.3-Classic
SlideBar, v8.2.6375 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Spy, v1.1.2
statweightsclassic, v
Stubby, v8.2.6376 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Talented, vv200804
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.13.5.11305

I don't know, why this is happening.. tried reinstalling the addon, but it didn't help either..
If I then try to open the talents I get another error:

Date: 2020-10-03 14:08:11
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Talented\view.lua line 95:
attempt to index local 'first_tree' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
Talented\view.lua:95: SetClass()
Talented\view.lua:157: SetTemplate()
Talented\core.lua:269: SetTemplate()
Talented\core.lua:361: Update()
(tail call): ?

Swatter, v8.2.6377 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Ace3, v
AceGUI30SFXWidgets, v1.0.1
Aptechka, v1.13.62
Atlas, vv1.47.03.11304.00
AtlasClassicWoW, vv1.47.02.11304.00
AtlasLootClassic, vv1.5.6
AtlasLootClassicData, vv1.5.6
AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv1.5.6
AtlasQuest, v4.11.66
ATTClassic, v0.3.2
AucAdvanced, v8.2.6430 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucFilterBasic, v8.2.6364 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatHistogram, v8.2.6366 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatiLevel, v8.2.6370 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatPurchased, v8.2.6367 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatSimple, v8.2.6399 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatStdDev, v8.2.6369 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucUtilFixAH, v8.2.6371 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AutoLoggerClassic, vv1.3-release
BasicMinimap, vv3-classic
BCT, v1.37
BeanCounter, v8.2.6434 (SwimmingSeadragon)
BestInSlotClassic, v2.5.3
BetterVendorPrice, vv1.13.06
BijouRR, v1.1.6
Capping, vv4-classic
CharacterStatsClassic, v3.6.3
CharacterTooltip, v1.0.4
ClassicSpellActivations, v
DBMCore, v1.13.60
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
Details, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
Dominos, v8.3.12
DominosCast, v
DominosProgress, v
DominosRoll, v
EavesDrop, v1.0.0
EnchantrixBarker, v8.2.6469 (SwimmingSeadragon)
FADEWorldTimers, v1.0
FastGuildInvite, v76
FreeRefills, v116
GroupCalendar, v
GuildRosterManager, v1.895
Guildbook, v2.3.4
Hemlock, v1.1.3
honorspy, v1.7.7
Informant, v8.2.6374 (SwimmingSeadragon)
ItemRack, v
LeatrixMaps, v1.13.80
LibStub, v
LootReserve, v2020-09-10
Masque, v8.3.1
MasqueApathy, v8.3.2
MasqueCaith, v8.3.2
MasqueCirque, v8.3.1
MasqueEntropy, v8.3.2
MasqueSerenity, v8.3.2
MBB, v1.1.1
MissingTradeSkillsList, v1.13.51
MoreItemStats, v1.2.4
NovaWorldBuffs, v1.81
OmniCC, v8.3.6
Peggle, v2.2.8
PerfectDominanceLootPriority, v1.0
PowerRaid, v3.2.4
Prat30, v3.8.26
Prat30Libraries, v
Prio3, v20200827
Quartz, v3.5-classic-5
Questie, v6.0.5
RaidHelper, v
RollTrackerClassic, v2.21
SafeQueue, vv3.6
ScepCalendar, v0.1a
ShadowedUnitFrames, vv4.2.3-Classic
SlideBar, v8.2.6375 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Spy, v1.1.2
statweightsclassic, v
Stubby, v8.2.6376 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Talented, vv200804
TalentedData, v
TitanClassic, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicAmmo, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicBag, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicClock, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicGold, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicLocation, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicLootType, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicPerformance, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicRegen, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicRepair, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicVolume, v1.2.4.11305
TitanClassicXP, v1.2.4.11305
TitanSocial, v1.13.3
TomTom, vv11305-1.1.4
TradeSkillMaster, vv4.10.6
WeakAuras, v2.18.4
WeaponSwingTimer, v4.1.0
WideQuestLog, v
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.13.5.11305


That's weird, because it definitely is activated.. oO
Should I delete it and install again?
Also, do I lose my builds, if i delete the config files? I assume not, but I want to make sure xD

Alright, so I copied the Talented.lua to my desktop, since the builds seem to be saved there, and then deleted everything and reinstalled again et voila it worked. After that I closed the game and copied the Talented.lua back into the saved variables folder and the same errors appear, so there must be a problem there. I don't even know, how that happened, because it worked fine before and then suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason.. I'm attaching the file.. maybe I'm missing something..


One thing that strikes me here is that the Warrior and Paladin templates have a function called "points", which the others don't have. I'm gonna delete those and see, what happens.
Ok, so it didn't change anything and in fact the lines returned, after logging into the game.. I would really like to show you what it looks like in game for me at this point xD
After pressing "n" and trying to open the talents and clicking away the error messages, I do see the buttons for "Actions" and "Templates, but pressing the buttons give me another error message and a chat message, that says:
Talented: Talented cannot perform the required action because it does not have the required talent data available for class PRIEST.
Talented: You must enable the Talented_Data helper addon for this action to work

The thing is, I had a lot of saved talent builds, that I really want to keep, since I don't have all of them memorized xD
Do you have a discord or something? ^^"

After deleting the Talented.lua file and logging into the game, I saved my current talents as a template and logged out, to find out, that the formatting is a lot different, than the copy I made earlier. So I logged back in to make new templates with all the names, that I had saved in my copy, logged out, for the game to create the Talented.lua and copied the "Code" part of the old file into the newly created one. After logging back in, I had all my talents back and I guess this issue can be closed.. ^^
I wonder though, why the formatting is so different than the current one. Was it changed with an update? The new code takes a lot less lines and looks cleaner overall.
Anyway, just wanted to say that it works now lol


I noticed that you didn't have Talented_Data activated in your first error, which might've been the problem. When you reinstalled it, did you also wipe the config files for Talented?


Ah, you fixed it. Sorry, I wanted to tell you that deleting that WOULD wipe your builds - the best plan would've been to export them as WoWHead links and then reimport.
Yes, I changed the formatting of the templates, so that templates for different classes could be saved with the same name (e.g. you can make a "Tank" build for both warrior and druid now). There was supposed to be a function that automatically converts old data to the new type. Did it perhaps not work for some reason...? It would've been nice to have your config files before you deleted them so I could see what went wrong, but I suppose it's too late now.