talentButton nil value error
nancikennedy opened this issue · 3 comments
On Retail, using TTV v2.4.9, getting an error:
3x .../TalentTreeViewer_TWW/mixins/TalentViewerUIMixin.lua:480: attempt to index local 'talentButton' (a nil value)
[string "@TalentTreeViewer_TWW/mixins/TalentViewerUIMixin.lua"]:480: in function <.../TalentTreeViewer_TWW/mixins/TalentViewerUIMixin.lua:477>
talentButton = nil
isActive = true
(*temporary) = 33
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'talentButton' (a nil value)"
self = Frame {
HeroTalentsContainer = Frame {
commitFlashAnims = <table> {
edgeRequirementsCache = <table> {
leftPadding = 0
buttonSize = 40
disabledOverlayAlpha = 0.300000
LoadSystem = Frame {
BlackBG = Texture {
FxModelScene = ModelScene {
talentTreeID = 750
AirParticlesClose = Texture {
enableCommitCastBar = true
basePanOffsetX = 49
OverlayBackgroundRight = Texture {
Clouds1 = Texture {
ActivationClassFx4 = Texture {
definitionInfoCache = <table> {
ButtonsParent = Frame {
bitWidthHeaderVersion = 8
enableCommitSpinner = true
CommitSpinner = Frame {
linkButton = Button {
activeSubTreeID = 33
talentTreeInfo = <table> {
traitCurrencyIDToGate = <table> {
ActivationClassFx3 = Texture {
treeCurrencyInfo = <table> {
activeLevelingBuildID = 1
nodeInfoCache = <table> {
variablesLoaded = true
isInspecting = false
searchController = <table> {
areBaseCommitVisualsActive = false
ResetButton = Button {
rightPadding = 0
panOffsetX = 0
dirtySubTreeIDSet = <table> {
maximumCommitTime = 6
heroSpecSelectionDialog = Frame {
subTreeInfoCache = <table> {
condInfoCache = <table> {
ActivationExpandFx = Texture {
dirtyNodeIDSet = <table> {
entryInfoCache = <table> {
dirtyDefinitionIDSet = <table> {
buttonsWithDirtyEdges = <table> {
nodeIDToButton = <table> {
SearchBox = EditBox {
gatePool = <table> {
OverlayBackgroundMid = Texture {
BackgroundFlash = Texture {
talentButtonCollection = <table> {
callbackTables = <table> {
areClassTalentCommitCompleteVisualsActive = false
initialBasePanOffsetY = -30
initialBasePanOffsetX = 49
backgroundAnims = <table> {
PvPTalentList = Frame {
Event = <table> {
PvPTalentSlotTray = Frame {
UndoButton = Button {
StopRecordingButton = Button {
LevelingBuildLevelSlider = Slider {
LevelingBuildDropdownButton = Button {
enableCommitEndFlash = true
ResetRecordingButton = Button {
LevelingBuildHeader = Frame {
panOffsetY = 0
basePanOffsetY = -31
ExportButton = Button {
ImportButton = Button {
InspectCopyButton = Button {
ApplyButton = Button {
SearchPreviewContainer = Frame {
TV_DropdownButton = Button {
SpecCurrencyDisplay = Frame {
ClassCurrencyDisplay = Frame {
FullMask = MaskTexture {
Textures = <table> {
ActivationTitansFX = Texture {
treeCurrencyInfoMap = <table> {
ActivationClassFx2 = Texture {
ActivationClassFx = Texture {
levelingOrderButtons = <table> {
ActivationExpandFxMask = MaskTexture {
AirParticlesFar = Texture {
Clouds2 = Texture {
OverlayBackgroundMidMask = MaskTexture {
bottomPadding = 82
edgePool = <table> {
OverlayBackgroundRightMask = MaskTexture {
specBackgrounds = <table> {
Background = Texture {
BottomBar = Texture {
talentDislayFramePool = <table> {
topPadding = 0
AnimationHolder = Frame {
commitSound = 207767
TalentTreeTweaks_TransparencySlider = Slider {
dirtyCondIDSet = <table> {
nodeCostCache = <table> {
dirtyEntryIDSet = <table> {
CommitUpdateReasons = <table> {
TalentTreeTweaks_ShowDiffCheckbox = CheckButton {
enableZoomAndPan = true
areClassTalentCommitVisualsActive = false
bitWidthRanksPurchased = 6
treeCurrencyInfoCache = <table> {
currentOrder = 0
excludeStagedChangesForCurrencies = false
StartRecordingButton = Button {
classActivationTextures = <table> {
treeInfoDirty = false
IgnoreRestrictions = CheckButton {
SelectionChoiceFrame = Frame {
VisualsUpdateReasons = <table> {
bitWidthSpecID = 16
DisabledOverlay = Frame {
nodeID = 95068
subTreeID = 33
I don't know as I didn't notice the error (I have the error sound and popup diabled atm) until I was done inputting all the new lua strings I needed. This would be for the following specs: DK: Frost/Unholy, DH: Both, Ev: Devastation, Hunter: BM, Mage: Arcane, Monk: Windwalker, Paladin: Retribution, Prist: Shadow, Rogue: Sub/Outlaw, Shaman: Ele/Ehn, Warlock: Demo/Des, Warrior: Fury.