


Does not work with Classic Era / Hardcore Mode

trying-to-function opened this issue ยท 1 comments


This addon is currently broken in Classic Era / Hardcore Mode.

I cloned the master branch using git clone --recurse-submodules to get the changes @Road-block merged.

Here are the errors I'm currently seeing:

First login error
Date: 2023-09-01 15:23:50
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Data.lua line 85:
   table index is nil
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Data.lua"]:85: NewTag2()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Data.lua"]:144: in main chunk
tag = nil
ids = <table> {
 1 = 34061
 2 = 34060
 3 = 33189
 4 = 21176
 5 = 23720
(*temporary) = <table> {
 Elemental = <table> {
 Mount = <table> {
 Pet = <table> {
 Leather = <table> {
 Cooking = <table> {
 Jewelry = <table> {
 Cloth = <table> {
 Enchanting = <table> {
 Metal & Stone = <table> {
 Herb = <table> {
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"
ns = <table> {
 GetBagSlotCount = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:245
 GetBagSlotId = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:222
 EXTRA_COMMAND = <table> {
 GetBagSlotFamily = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:249
 SORT_TYPE = <table> {
 GetRuleInfo = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:302
 VERSION = 20000
 CopyFrom = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:290
 COMMAND = <table> {
 IsBagSlotFull = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:234
 BAG_TYPES = <table> {
 BAG_TYPE = <table> {
 GetItemFamily = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:156
 GetBagSlotLink = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:218
 IsBagSlotEmpty = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:230
 ToggleMenu = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:351
 IsFamilyContains = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:268
 ItemInfo = <table> {
 Bag = <table> {
 IsBank = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:148
 Order = <table> {
 GetBagFamily = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:170
 GetBagNumSlots = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:200
 ITEM_TAGS = <table> {
 ORDER = <table> {
 ripairs = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:102
 Base = <table> {
 IsAdvanceRule = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:329
 IsBagSlotLocked = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:253
 memorize = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:108
 Task = <table> {
 Group = <table> {
 Slot = <table> {
 Item = <table> {
 CLICK_LIST = <table> {
 PickupBagSlot = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:257
 UNKNOWN_ICON = 134400
 ICON = "Interface\AddOns\tdPack2\Resource\INV_Pet_Broom"
 L = <table> {
 Addon = <table> {
 IsBag = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:144
 CLICK_TOKENS = <table> {
 GetCursorPosition = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:284
 GetItemId = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:204
 GetBags = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:152
 GetClickToken = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:273

  ShamanFix, v1.13.2
  Swatter, v2.5.6773 (SwimmingSeadragon)
  Auctionator, v10.1.19
  AutoCarrot, v3.00
  BagBrother, v
  Bagnon, v10.1.4
  BuffomatClassic, v2023.8.1-955e9415
  CurseBreakerCompanion, v1.3.3
  DBMCore, v322cbac
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v322cbac
  DBMVPVEM, v6b4f4f1
  Details, v#Details.20230825.11857.155
  DetailsCompare2, v
  DetailsEncounterDetails, v
  DetailsRaidCheck, v
  DetailsStreamer, v
  DetailsTinyThreat, v
  DetailsVanguard, v
  ElvUI, v13.39
  ElvUILibraries, v13.39
  ExtendedCharacterStats, v3.1.2
  FishingBuddy, v0.9.3
  FlightTimerClassic, v0.6.1
  GearMenu, vv2.3.1
  GTFO, v5.5
  Hemlock, v1.2.4
  ItemRack, v3.75
  Journalator, v1.61
  JournalatorDisplay, v@project-version@
  JournalatorOptionsUI, v@project-version@
  JournalatorStatistics, v@project-version@
  LeatrixMaps, v1.14.122
  LeatrixPlus, v1.14.123
  LFGBulletinBoard, v3.11
  MRT, v4770
  NovaInstanceTracker, v1.45
  NovaWorldBuffs, v2.54
  OmniCC, v10.1.1
  Outfitter, v3.0.4
  Plater, vPlater-v563-Classic
  Quartz, v3.7.6
  Questie, v8.8.7
  RatingBuster, v
  Restocker, v2023.6.1-24131de5
  SkilletClassic, v1.77
  Spy, v1.2.4
  StatLogic, v
  Stubby, v2.5.6772 (SwimmingSeadragon)
  SuperDuperMacro, vretail, classic
  Talented, vv211114v
  TalentedData, v
  TalentedDataExport, v1.0
  tdPack2, v2.0.0
  ThreatClassic2, v2.48
  WeakAuras, v5.7.0
  WeakAurasCompanion, v1.1.0
  WeaponSwingTimer, v7.1.1
  WIM, v3.10.15
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.14.4.11404 <none>
Second login error
Date: 2023-09-01 15:23:50
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Config.lua line 106:
   bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
   [string "=[C]"]: format()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Config.lua"]:106: TypeOrTag()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Config.lua"]:151: in main chunk
(*temporary) = "type:%s | tag:%s"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"

  ShamanFix, v1.13.2
  Swatter, v2.5.6773 (SwimmingSeadragon)
  Auctionator, v10.1.19
  AutoCarrot, v3.00
  BagBrother, v
  Bagnon, v10.1.4
  BuffomatClassic, v2023.8.1-955e9415
  CurseBreakerCompanion, v1.3.3
  DBMCore, v322cbac
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v322cbac
  DBMVPVEM, v6b4f4f1
  Details, v#Details.20230825.11857.155
  DetailsCompare2, v
  DetailsEncounterDetails, v
  DetailsRaidCheck, v
  DetailsStreamer, v
  DetailsTinyThreat, v
  DetailsVanguard, v
  ElvUI, v13.39
  ElvUILibraries, v13.39
  ExtendedCharacterStats, v3.1.2
  FishingBuddy, v0.9.3
  FlightTimerClassic, v0.6.1
  GearMenu, vv2.3.1
  GTFO, v5.5
  Hemlock, v1.2.4
  ItemRack, v3.75
  Journalator, v1.61
  JournalatorDisplay, v@project-version@
  JournalatorOptionsUI, v@project-version@
  JournalatorStatistics, v@project-version@
  LeatrixMaps, v1.14.122
  LeatrixPlus, v1.14.123
  LFGBulletinBoard, v3.11
  MRT, v4770
  NovaInstanceTracker, v1.45
  NovaWorldBuffs, v2.54
  OmniCC, v10.1.1
  Outfitter, v3.0.4
  Plater, vPlater-v563-Classic
  Quartz, v3.7.6
  Questie, v8.8.7
  RatingBuster, v
  Restocker, v2023.6.1-24131de5
  SkilletClassic, v1.77
  Spy, v1.2.4
  StatLogic, v
  Stubby, v2.5.6772 (SwimmingSeadragon)
  SuperDuperMacro, vretail, classic
  Talented, vv211114v
  TalentedData, v
  TalentedDataExport, v1.0
  tdPack2, v2.0.0
  ThreatClassic2, v2.48
  WeakAuras, v5.7.0
  WeakAurasCompanion, v1.1.0
  WeaponSwingTimer, v7.1.1
  WIM, v3.10.15
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.14.4.11404 <none>
Click sort button error
Date: 2023-09-01 15:24:18
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Object/ItemInfo.lua line 41:
   attempt to index field 'ITEM_TAG_SETS' (a nil value)
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Object/ItemInfo.lua"]:41: Build()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Object/ItemInfo.lua"]:18: ctor()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Libs/LibClass-2.0/Class-2.0.lua"]:63:
   [string "=(tail call)"]: ?
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/ItemInfoCache.lua"]:21:
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/ItemInfoCache.lua"]:30: Get()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua"]:240:
   [string "=(tail call)"]: ?
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Stacking.lua"]:99: IsCanStack()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Stacking.lua"]:74: ProcessSlots()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Stacking.lua"]:58: Process()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Object/Task.lua"]:23: task()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Core/Pack.lua"]:184: ?()
   [string "@Interface/AddOns/WeakAuras/Libs/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:55:
self = <table> {
 itemSubType = "Consumable"
 itemType = "Consumable"
 itemStackCount = 20
 itemSubTypeId = 0
 itemSetId = 0
 itemTypeId = 0
 itemName = "Instant Poison VI"
 itemLevel = 60
 itemQuality = 1
 itemTexture = 132273
 itemEquipLoc = ""
 itemLink = "|cffffffff|Hitem:8928::::::::60:::::::::|h[Instant Poison VI]|h|r"
 itemId = 8928
itemName = "Instant Poison VI"
itemLink = "|cffffffff|Hitem:8928::::::::60:::::::::|h[Instant Poison VI]|h|r"
itemQuality = 1
itemLevel = 60
_ = 60
itemType = "Consumable"
itemSubType = "Consumable"
itemStackCount = 20
itemEquipLoc = ""
itemTexture = 132273
sellPrice = 125
itemTypeId = 0
itemSubTypeId = 0
bindType = 0
expacId = 254
setId = nil
isCraftingReagent = false
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 8928
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'ITEM_TAG_SETS' (a nil value)"
GetItemInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
ns = <table> {
 GetBagSlotCount = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:245
 GetBagSlotId = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:222
 EXTRA_COMMAND = <table> {
 GetBagSlotFamily = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:249
 SORT_TYPE = <table> {
 GetRuleInfo = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:302
 VERSION = 20000
 CopyFrom = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:290
 SetupButton = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Button/Button.lua:42
 COMMAND = <table> {
 UI = <table> {
 IsBagSlotFull = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:234
 CachableOrder = <table> {
 BAG_TYPES = <table> {
 BAG_TYPE = <table> {
 GetItemFamily = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:156
 GetBagSlotLink = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:218
 CustomOrder = <table> {
 JunkOrder = <table> {
 IsBagSlotEmpty = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:230
 Search = <table> {
 GetClickToken = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:273
 ToggleMenu = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:351
 IsFamilyContains = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:268
 ItemInfo = <table> {
 Stacking = <table> {
 ITEM_TAGS = <table> {
 Bag = <table> {
 Pack = <table> {
 IsBank = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:148
 Order = <table> {
 Rule = <table> {
 Base = <table> {
 GetBagFamily = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:170
 GetBagNumSlots = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:200
 Saving = <table> {
 ORDER = <table> {
 ripairs = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:102
 ItemInfoCache = <table> {
 IsAdvanceRule = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:329
 IsBagSlotLocked = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:253
 memorize = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:108
 Task = <table> {
 Group = <table> {
 Slot = <table> {
 Item = <table> {
 CLICK_LIST = <table> {
 PickupBagSlot = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:257
 UNKNOWN_ICON = 134400
 ICON = "Interface\AddOns\tdPack2\Resource\INV_Pet_Broom"
 L = <table> {
 Addon = <table> {
 IsBag = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:144
 CLICK_TOKENS = <table> {
 GetCursorPosition = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:284
 GetItemId = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:204
 GetBags = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/tdPack2/Api.lua:152
 Sorting = <table> {
IsEquippableItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1

  ShamanFix, v1.13.2
  Swatter, v2.5.6773 (SwimmingSeadragon)
  Auctionator, v10.1.19
  AutoCarrot, v3.00
  BagBrother, v
  Bagnon, v10.1.4
  BuffomatClassic, v2023.8.1-955e9415
  CurseBreakerCompanion, v1.3.3
  DBMCore, v322cbac
  DBMStatusBarTimers, v322cbac
  DBMVPVEM, v6b4f4f1
  Details, v#Details.20230825.11857.155
  DetailsCompare2, v
  DetailsEncounterDetails, v
  DetailsRaidCheck, v
  DetailsStreamer, v
  DetailsTinyThreat, v
  DetailsVanguard, v
  ElvUI, v13.39
  ElvUILibraries, v13.39
  ExtendedCharacterStats, v3.1.2
  FishingBuddy, v0.9.3
  FlightTimerClassic, v0.6.1
  GearMenu, vv2.3.1
  GTFO, v5.5
  Hemlock, v1.2.4
  ItemRack, v3.75
  Journalator, v1.61
  JournalatorDisplay, v@project-version@
  JournalatorOptionsUI, v@project-version@
  JournalatorStatistics, v@project-version@
  LeatrixMaps, v1.14.122
  LeatrixPlus, v1.14.123
  LFGBulletinBoard, v3.11
  MRT, v4770
  NovaInstanceTracker, v1.45
  NovaWorldBuffs, v2.54
  OmniCC, v10.1.1
  Outfitter, v3.0.4
  Plater, vPlater-v563-Classic
  Quartz, v3.7.6
  Questie, v8.8.7
  RatingBuster, v
  Restocker, v2023.6.1-24131de5
  SkilletClassic, v1.77
  Spy, v1.2.4
  StatLogic, v
  Stubby, v2.5.6772 (SwimmingSeadragon)
  SuperDuperMacro, vretail, classic
  Talented, vv211114v
  TalentedData, v
  TalentedDataExport, v1.0
  tdPack2, v2.0.0
  ThreatClassic2, v2.48
  unitscan, vv1.1.3
  WeakAuras, v5.7.0
  WeakAurasCompanion, v1.1.0
  WeaponSwingTimer, v7.1.1
  WIM, v3.10.15
  BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.14.4.11404 <none>

Release v2.1.6 seems to have fixed the issue. Thank you!