[CF 1331] Clarity of Will Rework
tmw-issue-import opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Before the current change to the priest skill Clarity of Will, we were using a code based on percent of the player's HP. But now they've changed it to this formula ([Spell power * 9 * (1 + $versadmg)].
Is there a formula that works to show the damage amount in either percent or amount on the display box?
This is the current code I've been testing, but I keep getting Syntax errors, or its not displaying the amount, only duration.
[Percent(VeryShort([Stacks:Hide(0) / [9 * SpellPower(known=false, unit="player")] * 100]))]
Posted by CurseForge user princedecre | Imported from CurseForge issue #1331 | Raw
Its pretty simple, and looks more or less exactly what the formula looks like - not sure where those parameters you added to SpellPower came from, since they dont exist.
The following will get you the amount. Do with it what you may from there.
[(SpellPower * 9 * (1 + (Versatility / 100))):Round]
Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
That shows the base value of one cast, but the spell itself can be stacked, so is there a way to formulate multiple cast values?
Posted by CurseForge user princedecre