[CF 1345] Pets aren't included in RaidStacks; Plea doesn't allow showing of Stacks or Charges
tmw-issue-import opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I'm trying to count the number of instances of Atonement in the raid for Disc Priest purposes (Plea's mana increases significantly for each Atonement in the raid), RaidStacks works for it, mostly, but it only counts the 40 raid members, it doesn't include pets. If Pets get the Atonement buff then Plea's mana increases but RaidStacks isn't incremented.
I've tried working around that by showing a Counter for charges on Plea (the Plea icon indicates the number so this feels like a good substitute) but can't figure out a way to actually implement that, it seems to require a notification for each possible charge number and I can't even get that to work, it only shows 0 or 3 (I've set it up up to 4 and stopped at that point, I'd actually want more if I can get it working) and for the life of me I can't figure out why. Here's my icon string for reference:
^1^T^SType^Sconditionicon ^SEnabled^B ^SConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SSPELLCHARGES ^SOperator^S> ^SName^SPlea ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCounter ^SCounterAmt^N0 ^SCounterOperation^S= ^SEvent^SOnCondition ^SPassThrough^b ^SCounter^Spleacount ^SOnConditionConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SSPELLCHARGES ^SName^Splea ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^N2^T ^SType^SCounter ^SCounterOperation^S= ^SEvent^SOnCondition ^SPassThrough^b ^SCounter^Spleacount ^SOnConditionConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SSPELLCHARGES ^SLevel^N1 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^N3^T ^SType^SCounter ^SCounterAmt^N2 ^SCounterOperation^S= ^SEvent^SOnCondition ^SPassThrough^b ^SCounter^Spleacount ^SOnConditionConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SSPELLCHARGES ^SLevel^N2 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^N4^T ^SType^SCounter ^SCounter^Spleacount ^SCounterAmt^N3 ^SCounterOperation^S= ^SEvent^SOnCondition ^SPassThrough^b ^SOnConditionConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SSPELLCHARGES ^SLevel^N3 ^SName^SPlea ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^N5^T ^SType^SCounter ^SCounter^Spleacount ^SCounterAmt^N4 ^SCounterOperation^S= ^SEvent^SOnCondition ^SPassThrough^b ^SOnConditionConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SSPELLCHARGES ^SLevel^N4 ^SName^SPlea ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^t^Sn^N5 ^t^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^N2^S[Counter("pleacount")] ^t^t^t^SCustomTex^SPlea ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^t^N2^T ^SAlpha^N0.5 ^t^N3^T ^t^N4^T ^t^t^t^N82302^S~`~| ^Sicon^^
Posted by CurseForge user ray_smith | Imported from CurseForge issue #1345 | Raw
A spell cooldown icon tracking Plea will show you exactly what you're looking for.
Edited Dec 10, 2016
Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras