


[CF 1457] Boss 1-5 cast bar not showing

tmw-issue-import opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, could you please help me figure out why the following group not working (contains 1 bar for 'boss 1-5' cast for a set of specific spell names)?

It used to work (at least in raids), now in 7.3 it's not.

The only changes I've made since it last worked was add spell names.


^1^T^SGUID^STMW:group:1IUO71P3M6uc ^SScale^F7369179795554311 ^f-52^SPoint ^T^Sy^F-5348219905642061 ^f-46^Sx ^F-6075972993403185^f-50 ^t^SView^Sbar ^SColumns^N1 ^SName^SBossCast ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sbar^T ^SSizeX^F4567847506280450 ^f-44^SPadding ^N2.5^t ^t^SIcons^T ^N1^T ^SUnit^Sboss~`1-5 ^SType^Scast ^SName^SFrostbite;~`Anima~`Ring;~`Decay;~`Expel~`Magic:~`Fire;~`Blackrock~`Barrage;~`Cauterizing~`Bolt;~`Cauterize~`Wounds;~`Petrifying~`Slam;~`Call~`of~`the~`Mountain;~`Reckless~`Slash;~`Earthen~`Barrier;~`Deploy~`Turret;~`Repair;~`Death~`Throes;~`Exert~`Dominance;~`Reverberating~`Blow;~`Cavitation;~`Harbinger's~`Mending;~`Heart~`of~`Argus;~`Flames~`of~`Argus;~`Touch~`of~`Shadows;~`Shadow~`Riposte;~`Sorrowful~`Wail;~`End~`of~`All~`Things;~`Chaotic~`Energy ^SShowTimerText^B ^SBarDisplay_Invert^B ^SEnabled^B ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sbar^T ^STexts^T ^N1^S[Duration(gcd=true):TMWFormatDuration] ^N2^S[Spell]~`[Stacks:Hide(0):Paren] ^t^t^t^SStates^T ^N1^T ^t^N3^T ^t^N4^T ^t^t^t^t^SOnlyInCombat^B ^t^N84201^S~`~| ^Sgroup^N17 ^^


For example, the bar was not showing for the last spell in the list, Chaotic Energy, in M+ Cathedral.

Nor for the previous to last spell, End of All Things, in a raid (will re-test in raid to make sure and update this).

Posted by CurseForge user nordveien | Imported from CurseForge issue #1457 | Raw


Don't know what to tell you other than that either the unit in question isn't flagged as a boss unit or the spell is named something different. Nothing about this icon is configured in a way that would make this not work assuming that those are correct spell names - the only issues I could imagine are with the Blizzard API not returning data when one would expect it to

Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras


Thank you for the quick response.

Posted by CurseForge user nordveien


Quick update, the bar is showing after all. The problem was with the specific spells.

End of All Things - showing (maybe not from the start of the cast while you're dead and haven't released your spirit, but eventually it does show).

Chaotic Energy in Cathedral and also Eternal Twilight in Seat - might not be showing due to UnitIDs, as there are a lot of adds on those fights (or maybe I'm blind and was not seeing the bar).

Posted by CurseForge user nordveien


Looks like sometimes the bar is showing, sometimes it's not.

I've had multiple instances with End of all Things and Chaotic Energy where in some cases those spells would show up as expected, in other cases they won't show up at all. Without any changes to the bar in-between.

Not sure if you're still watching this closed ticket, but if you do and if I could help with testing, let me know.

Edited Jan 31, 2018

Posted by CurseForge user nordveien