[CF 1603] TMW not processing multiple spell interrupted combat event auras
tmw-issue-import opened this issue ยท 8 comments
g6731d197-alpha and g6bc49450-alpha
As part of a group to track spell lockout duration on my healer, I use multiple combat event auras with various conditions to be able to generate an aura for the specific lockout. However, I believe that if there are multiple combat event icons all tracking Interrupt - Spell Interrupted, TMW will only allow the first one in the group to process events, and will ignore all others (even if the other ones should be the proper ones processed).
^1^T^SShowTimer^B ^SSourceConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCLASS2 ^SBitFlags^N2148 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SType^Scleu ^SCLEUDur^N3 ^SGUID^STMW:icon:1Rqk4515s4eq ^SSourceUnit^Sarena1;~`arena2;~`arena3 ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SCLEUEvents^T ^SSPELL_INTERRUPT^B ^t^SCustomTex^SInterface/AddOns/NameplateAuras/media/warrior_disruptingshout.tga ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^t^N3^T ^t^N4^T ^t^t^SDestUnit^Sparty1;~`party2;~`player ^SEnabled^B ^t^N85502^S~`~| ^Sicon^^
^1^T^SShowTimer^B ^SSourceConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SCLASS2 ^SBitFlags^N1539 ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SType^Scleu ^SCLEUDur^N4 ^SGUID^STMW:icon:1RqkcjElAtjC ^SSourceUnit^Sarena1;~`arena2;~`arena3 ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SCLEUEvents^T ^SSPELL_INTERRUPT^B ^t^SCustomTex^SInterface/AddOns/NameplateAuras/media/warrior_disruptingshout.tga ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^t^N3^T ^t^N4^T ^t^t^SDestUnit^Sparty1;~`party2;~`player ^SEnabled^B ^t^N85502^S~`~| ^Sicon^^
Examples of said auras. Still doing testing...these used to work fine then they suddenly stopped or something.
Entire group. The first instance of a spell interrupted combat event aura is icon 3, the rest are the ones 38-41. For some reason icon 38 usually has no problem showing up no matter what the conditionals are...but the other ones (for classes w/a lockout longer than 3s) aren't showing up when they should. Possible that the conflict is something to do with multiple combat event auras in the same group tracking the same sources/destinations for the same events?
Posted by CurseForge user Jalopyy | Imported from CurseForge issue #1603 | Raw
Putting the auras in different groups entirely fixed nothing. Not getting any luck changing the formatting from source/destination, from something like arena1; arena2; arena3 to arena1-3.
Posted by CurseForge user Jalopyy
Further notes:
Seems to not work with g6731d197 but does with g6bc49450.
Seems to only work when the units are listed as Arena1-3 and Party1-2, not individually (arena1; arena2; etc) or as the auto inserts (Arena 1-5, etc).
Seems to break when I make special interrupt auras for feral/guardian and balance druids.
Will do more specific testing on these above things later.
Posted by CurseForge user Jalopyy
I think I know the reason why?
When I make a combat event kick tracking aura with source conditionals for unit = unit spec specific, it seems like it breaks EVERY combat event kick track aura, until I delete them all and remake them?
Very confused.
Posted by CurseForge user Jalopyy
Maybe not for the above.
I'm just completely confused and have come to the conclusion that TMW just has trouble processing multiple combat event auras which track identical sources/destinations simultaneously.
Posted by CurseForge user Jalopyy
No idea why this might be happening. However, why not use the "Interrupt - Interrupt Spell used" event instead? Then you could filter and specify timers on a per-spell basis instead of just trying to guess based on the class that performed the interrupted.
^1^T^SShowTimer^B ^SCLEUEvents^T ^SSPELL_INTERRUPT_SPELL^B ^t^SType^Scleu ^SCLEUDur^N10 ^SName^SCounterspell:~`6;~`Spell~`Lock:~`6;~`Kick:~`5;~`Silence:~`4;~`Counter~`Shot:~`3 ^SShowTimerTextnoOCC^B ^SSourceUnit^Sarena1;~`arena2;~`arena3 ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^t^N3^T ^t^N4^T ^t^t^SEnabled^B ^SDestUnit^Sparty1;~`party2;~`player ^t^N85503^S~`~| ^Sicon^^
I didn't add every spell, but you get the idea.
Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
I thought that the 'Interrupt Spell Used' will proc when a kick is used, but missed? I only want a timer when my healer is SUCCESSFULLY interrupted - and then a timer for how long that lockout duration is. If they miss their kick, the information isn't relevant to me. Hence was I was using the "Spell Interrupted".
Edited Nov 3, 2018
Posted by CurseForge user Jalopyy
The tooltips on each option explain the difference between the two quite clearly.
Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras
I guess I misunderstand it, then. I'll close this since I don't expect you to actually bugfix this if the other works.
Posted by CurseForge user Jalopyy