


[CF 1650] Target spell casting

tmw-issue-import opened this issue ยท 1 comments




The Warrior Discord recently created a WeakAura to track spells and when to spell reflect them. It also only tracks spells being cast at the player.


I've tried recreating it in TMW and am having trouble getting it to detect spells only cast at the player. I've dug around and saw you said it wasn't entirely possible with Blizzard's API.


Here's a link to the WA, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by CurseForge user solice2 | Imported from CurseForge issue #1650 | Raw


That WA is making the assumption that the target of a spellcast is always the target of the caster. In pve, this is generally always true, which is what allows this to work.


This should do what you're looking for, but note that some of the spells in that WA don't even have cast times. For example, Sacred Blade (the very first one):

^1^T^SShowTimer^B ^SUnit^Snameplate ^SType^Scast ^SUnitConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SUNITISUNIT ^SUnit^Sunittarget ^SName^Splayer ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SName^S283572;~`284449;~`283626;~`282036;~`286988;~`286646;~`282182;~`279669;~`279660;~`274262;~`250096;~`267618;~`267308;~`263318;~`263775;~`268061;~`265001;~`264560;~`264144;~`268347;~`259856;~`260318;~`260879;~`257777;~`257033;~`260701;~`260700;~`260699;~`268271;~`261438;~`261440;~`266225 ^SShowTimerText^B ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^t^N3^T ^t^N4^T ^t^t^SEnabled^B ^t^N85901^S~`~| ^Sicon^^

Posted by CurseForge user Cybeloras