Combat Events not filtering when only a Destination Unit is defined
geckzilla opened this issue ยท 1 comments
WoW Version
TellMeWhen Version
Describe the bug
This was meant to output a string indicating what was cast on [player] to the chat window. If I sit in Valdrakken, though, I get spammed with anything anyone casts that doesn't have a destination defined.
Export Strings
^1^T^SUnit^Snameplate~`1-40 ^SCLEUEvents^T ^SSPELL_CAST_SUCCESS^B ^t^SType^Scleu ^SUnitConditions^T ^N1^T ^SType^SREACT ^SLevel^N1 ^t^N2^T ^SType^STHREATRAW ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SEvents^T ^N1^T ^SType^SAnnouncements ^SChannel^SFRAME ^SLocation^SGeneral ^SText^S[Spell]~`=>~`[Destination:Name] ^SEvent^SOnCLEUEvent ^t^Sn^N1 ^t^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STextLayout^STMW:textlayout:1ZhzkpYM_fGU ^STexts^T ^N1^S ^t^t^t^SDestUnit^Splayer ^SEnabled^B ^t^N101500^S~`~| ^Sicon^^
^1 ^T^N1^T ^SAnchors^T ^N1^T ^Sy^N-4 ^Sx^N-4 ^Spoint^STOPRIGHT ^SrelativePoint^STOPRIGHT ^t^t^SJustifyV^STOP ^SWidth^N24 ^SStringName^SNumber ^SName^SLiberation~`Sans~`(U) ^SConstrainWidth^b ^SOutline^SOUTLINE ^SSize^N6 ^t^SGUID^STMW:textlayout:1ZhzkpYM_fGU ^SName^SCenter~`Info~`Text ^t^N101500^S~`~| ^Stextlayout^STMW:textlayout:1ZhzkpYM_fGU ^^
This is intentional, although I'll agree that its a bit confusing. Some events (like SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS) sometimes have a unit, and sometimes don't. In order to support icons that are tracking multiple different events where some have units and some don't, unit filtering by unitID isn't applied to events that have no unit.
You can configure the icon to ignore events where the event has no destination unit: