Unit Cooldown - Duration Requirements (Minimum) not working properly
Betaskill opened this issue ยท 1 comments
WoW Version
TellMeWhen Version
Describe the bug
Hi there,
I am having a werid behavior with the "Minimum" Option in the "Duration Requirements" from the Unit Cooldown-Icon.
If I set that the Icon should not be visible at a Minimum duration of < 10 sek of the cooldown for the Evoker spell spell "Blessing of the Bronze" the icon is sometimes behaving correctly sometimes not. Sometimes the icon will be hidden if the <10 seconds window has been reached - which is also correct. The problem is, it is only sometimes hidden and not always on hidden.
I am using the german client and have also created a video to get a better impression of what I mean:
This is not only due to the spell "Blessing of the Bronze" but with other spells too.
This is my evoker talent build:
Thank you for taking a look at it.
Export Strings
^1^T^SShowTimer^B ^SType^Sunitcooldown ^SName^S364342:~`14 ^SDurationMinEnabled^B ^SOnlySeen^B ^SShowTimerText^B ^SCustomTex^S364342 ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^SAlpha^N0 ^t^N2^T ^SAlpha^N1 ^t^t^SEnabled^B ^SDurationMin^N10 ^SDurationMax^N10 ^t^N102000^S~`~| ^Sicon^^