Demonology Imp Guardian Number Count Not Correct
korri-melly opened this issue ยท 5 comments
WoW Version
TellMeWhen Version
Describe the bug
I am using the Guardians Icon for Wild Imps. The stack count is not correct. Picture of my Implosion stacks and my Guardian Icon.
Picture of my Guardian Settings (in case I am just setting it up incorrectly).
Export Strings
^1^T^SShowTimer^B ^SBuffOrDebuff^SHARMFUL ^SUnit^Starget ^SType^Sguardian ^SName^SWild~`Imp ^SShowTimerText^B ^SSettingsPerView^T ^Sicon^T ^STexts^T ^N2^S[Stacks:Hide(0)] ^t^t^t^SCustomTex^S104317 ^SStates^T ^N1^T ^SAlpha^N0.75 ^t^N2^T ^SAlpha^N0.2 ^t^N102^T ^SAlpha^N0.5 ^t^Sg_emp^T ^SAlpha^N0.85 ^t^t^SOnlyMine^B ^SEnabled^B ^t^N110401^S~`~| ^Sicon^^
I am using Inner Demons and Imp Gang Boss talents.
This is without either:
This is with only Inner Demons:
This is with only Imp Gang Boss:
And this is back to both again:
I reset the icon and set it up again with talents already selected, and it's working normally now. I am unsure why it wasn't working yesterday. We can chalk it up to user error, haha. Thank you for looking into it, I love your addon.
Oh yeah, I didn't think of the scenario of open world content.
Imps have a timer of ~21 seconds, or 8 casts (*1.5s = 12s), whichever comes first. In a boss fight scenario, the 12 seconds is roughly accurate, but when they're not continuously casting, they last longer then TMW thinks they should.
I'll see if I can come up with ideas of how to handle that.