


[BUG] Cannot find a library instance of "LibThreatClassic2".

lrxxs opened this issue ยท 3 comments


What steps will reproduce the problem?

1.When I sign in the game.

What version of ThreatClassic2 are you using? (Stating 'latest' is not useful)

ThreatClassic2 v2.13

Do you have an error log of what happened?

AddOns\ThreatClassic2\core\core.lua:85: Cannot find a library instance of "LibThreatClassic2".
Count: 1

Call Stack:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function error' AddOns\BigWigs\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:38: in function GetLibrary'
AddOns\ThreatClassic2\core\core.lua:85: in main chunk

Any additional information? (example: WoW language if not English) (Attach screenshots here if available, do not link externally)

CNwow 1.13.4


Hi, do you get any other errors?

If you go to World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns\ThreatClassic2\Libs does it have a LibThreatClassic2 folder?

How did you install the addon?


I published a new version. However, you might have to edit or reset your settings by deleting your character tc2 settings file found here:

\World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\<your account>\<your server>\<your character>\SavedVariables\ThreatClassic2.lua

if you don't want to delete it, you can delete the ["name"] line inside of the ["font"] = {} settings


I published a new version. However, you might have to edit or reset your settings by deleting your character tc2 settings file found here:

\World of Warcraft\_classic_\WTF\Account\<your account>\<your server>\<your character>\SavedVariables\ThreatClassic2.lua

if you don't want to delete it, you can delete the ["name"] line inside of the ["font"] = {} settings

Thank you, I'll try the new version later .