


[REQ]How to bridge TC2 and WA?

ShiFangJuMie opened this issue · 15 comments


I hope use WA to read the list through TC2 and present the threat ranking of mine or my designated teammates through WA.

This demand is particularly need in Hakkar/Zug, Huhuran/TAQ and other threat ranking sensitive battles.

Can you give me some help and let me to finish the project?

best regards



This WA is only a threat value, not my own or teammate's threat ranking.




check this out

Thank you for your reply.
I understand the UnitDetailedThreatSituation API, but it can only get information such as threat percent, value, etc., but can't get the ranking in the complete threat list

This demand is particularly need in Hakkar/Zug, Huhuran/TAQ and other threat ranking sensitive battles.


Make a list of all group members (for groups that is player, pet, party1, party2, etc.. or for raids raid1 through raidN) then get the info from the API and then sort it. The performance isn't a problem here. That's 40 low-cost commands and a sort on a very small array.

I'm not sure why you want to do that in WA tho. WA is not designed for this. That's why there are addons (like ThreatClassic2) to handle it. You get a threat ranking. What feature are you missing?


@ShiFangJuMie 我明白你的意思,现在是API给限制了,我们获取API存在时间误差的。最快1秒,最慢3秒才能刷新一次数据。我们干涉不了暴雪的限制;)










Make a list of all group members (for groups that is player, pet, party1, party2, etc.. or for raids raid1 through raidN) then get the info from the API and then sort it. The performance isn't a problem here. That's 40 low-cost commands and a sort on a very small array.

I'm not sure why you want to do that in WA tho. WA is not designed for this. That's why there are addons (like ThreatClassic2) to handle it. You get a threat ranking. What feature are you missing?

For example, in the fight against hakkar in Zug, the 1st threat ranking will be controlled and 2nd will be attacked. Therefore, the limit ranking of DPS class should be 3rd or lower. There is a similar situation in the battle of Taq, such as Huhuran.

Therefore, I need to observe my own threat ranking, need to observe the rank of the ignite mage, and issue a reminder.

If I use two WA to observe the ranking of myself and ignite mage, I need to run the same Lua script in the two WA respectively, and consider the situations such as the same name of the hunter pet and the character, the feign death of the hunter, and the vanish of the rogue.

Therefore, if I can get the threat list of TC2 by WA, I will finish these with higher efficiency and lower resource cost, and even more ideas.





我的感受到的延迟是在TC2的延迟基础上又延迟,虽然按理说我得到的数据延迟不延迟和TC2没关系- -



When I need to observe the threat ranking of myself and ignite Mage at the same time, I need to call the API 80 times and TC2 call 40 times. I am worried about touching the interface call limit.It is a waste to use 120 calls for things that can be done with 40 calls.




There is no public endpoint of the threat list of threatclassic2. Exposing internal features for external use means I have to consider this in changes and keep compatibility. Please understand that I do not intend to do this. ThreatClassic2 currently has 2 modes (raw threat and scaled threat) and I plan major changes for raw threat in the next release, which would impact compatibility.

Please use the API, if you plan to build features around your own threat list.

I also do not see how you need 120 calls. With 40 calls you have the complete list and can store it in a table that can be reused across multiple WA. You will never need 120 calls, if you're doing it right. I'm also not aware of any limit. Also, calling the API should just be a lookup in a local table, which is a very fast operation. Even calling it 10.000 times a second, should not have any noticeable performance impact. And you only need to update it about once per second, when you get a UNIT_THREAT_LIST_UPDATE event.


Thank you for your reply. If there is no plan to open TC2 external calls, I will optimize the existing Lua script to improve the current problems