Threat Plates

Threat Plates


Widget: Indicator for units fixating the player

Backupiseasy opened this issue ยท 1 comments

    • It is for when you have an eye on top of your character, that affect called Fixate, if the mob that is fixated on me would hilight in some way, maybe change size + color of nameplate, that would be great.
    • Would it be possible to create a fixate flag. So I can set color, size, etc. If a mob is fixated on me. Right now have to use a weakaura to do this
    • Changing nameplate's color depends on threat is especially helpful when I see which mob is watching me. Usually it works perfect as mobs are targeting player based on thier threat state. But some situation, its working is unsatisfactory. There are some mobs that focusing on player ignoring aggro. Until dead or sometimes chaning target. In this situation, mob's nameplate color is still green(on tanking color) even it is watching and chasing me. A few mobs, it's OK, I can distinguish who is watching me. But 10 or more mobs, I can't figure out who is creeping to chase me.
    • I wish red color nameplate when mob focusing on me when I playing DPS, Healer.

I don't think that there is a reliable, general way to detect a mob unit fixating on a player (except on boss encounters).