LibDogTag error
gaveer opened this issue ยท 3 comments
version : 10.1.4
5x invalid key to 'next'
[string "=[C]:"]: in function '(for generator)'
[string "@TidyPlates_ThreatPlates\Libs\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0-20210228122115.lua"]:49: in function <...lates\Libs\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0.lua:46>
[string "@TidyPlates_ThreatPlates\Libs\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0-20210228122115.lua"]:56: in function <...lates\Libs\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0\LibDogTag-Unit-3.0.lua:55>
this error show up inside the raid Castle Nathria at the trash beforeHungering Destroyer , maybe cuz counainter in lady inerva
I guess it's enough if LibDogTag is loaded and it's not important if it's used. I thought that LDT would not process any events when no custom text is used, but that seems to be wrong.
I'm in the same situation. TPTP is the only addon using LibDogTag and I'm not using any dog tags. That's also not so good from a performance point of view. Any chance to only load LibDogTag if it would actually be used?