Threat Plates

Threat Plates


Is it possible to enemy hide nameplates when in Shattrath?

Nillx opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Is it possible to disable enemy nameplates when you enter Shattrath? Its so weird seeing the enemy plates showing around me but we cant attack eachother.



I will look into it. There are some effects of nameplates being shown depending on which nameplates are enabled (friendly/neutral/enemy) and PvP status which I do not yet understand. It definitely does not work as I would assume, not even with default nameplates. Because of that, I am not 100% sure if I will be able to fix it.


Maybe another work around is to add an option that auto disable Enemy Nameplates when you are in a sanctuary, like Shattrath is. And auto reenable them when you go in a regular zone.

Or thats too difficult to implement?


I need to test that, but that might already be possible with a custom nameplate that is only enabled in Shattrath and where the nameplate style is "Hide". Not sure if these kind of nameplates only trigger in instances or whenever you switch a zone without looking into the code.


Fair enough. Im not that good at coding so i cant help much more than this!