Threat Plates

Threat Plates


Threat Value: Show threat value of currently tanking unit

Backupiseasy opened this issue ยท 1 comments

    • I think this would become the king of all threat addons if it was possible to display the raw threat value of the player that has the highest threat on/is tanking the mob. This would be extremely valuable for AoE classes, for which threat % is essentially meaningless. For example, warlocks need to know that every mob has 2k threat on it before they start seeding. The only way to do that is to use intuition or spam tab target with ThreatClassic2 running.
    • Personally, I would have it set up where the only number that is displayed would be the raw threat value, and rely on colors and border widgets to provide me the information on my threat % relative to the tank's.

I'll second that missing this is confusing given the name of the addon. I currently have to use this Weak Aura to get a proper picture of raw threat across all mobs:
Having the raw threat differential is important to all classes, not just warlocks knowing when to seed. If I'm tanking, I want to see where my next judgement needs to go, if I am on my rogue, can I pop bladflurry or will the mob next to me turn and one shot me 3 seconds in? Those are things I can answer with raw threat differential values, but not with the existing value system.