Threat Plates

Threat Plates


Remodel auras 2.0 filtering

Backupiseasy opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • Show buffs and debuffs for units
    • Buffs on top of debuffs for enemy units (maybe hide all buffs or buffs from players on hostile players)
    • Debuffs on top of buffs for friendly units (maybe hide debuffs from players)
    • Examples for what should work:
      • Show buffs on hostile NPCs (ignore filter mode)
      • Hide buffs on hostile players (ignore filter mode)
      • Show all debuffs on friendly (in arenas, battlegrounds) that the player can dispell
      • Show all buffs on hostile players that the player can dispell
      • Show all buffs on hostile units that are spellstealable
    • isBossDebuff: makes no sense as this would be a debuff on a friendly player in an instance; nameplates cannot be modded there.
  • Relevant attributes from UnitAura:
    • name, spellID
    • dispellAura, caster, isStealable, nameplateShowAll
  • Internal filtering: take advantage of built in filters HELPFUL, HARMFUL, RAID, PLAYER