WOTLK Lua Errors in battlegrounds
sir-galahad opened this issue ยท 1 comments
in BGs i was constantly getting the following error (apologies for screenshot instead of text):
i found i could current the problem on my local client by modifying CoreEvents:ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE(unitid, update_reason)
to look like the following:
function CoreEvents:ARENA_OPPONENT_UPDATE(unitid, update_reason)
-- my change below
isArena, _ = IsActiveBattlefieldArena()
if isArena ~= true then
-- my change above
if update_reason == "seen" and C_PvP.IsSoloShuffle() then
local plate = PlatesByUnit[unitid]
if plate then
plate.UpdateMe = true
i'm not sure this is the best fix though i don't know if the arena widget should even be loading if not in arena..