Threat Plates

Threat Plates


SOD - Warlock Tank is not an Offtank -> Plates are not blue but red when he has aggro

kolroser opened this issue ยท 6 comments



as the title describes, in SOD warlocks can be tanks.
But when a warlock tank has aggro, the threatplates look red instead of blue, to the other tank.
The reason is probably because a warlock was never a tank and the addon does not recognize the warlock as an off-tank.
Can you either fix this or tell me how I can? :)


Hm, Warlocks should be recognized as tanks since one of the last updates. Maybe something changed like the ID of the aura which is used to detect Warlock tanks. I need to check.

I should read your comment more thoroughly. I missed the off-tank part which is crucial here. You are right, I did not add any of the new tanks in SoD as off-tanks. I missed that. Thanks for reporting this, I'll try to add them as soon as possible.


So I was a paladin tank in gnomeregan, set to the main tank.
The second tank was a warlock tank in meta-demon form and he was also set to main tank or assist tank, whatever it is called, in the raid options.
Both our healthbars appeared next to the regular raid frames, set as tanks.
Still, when I tanked and he had aggro, the nameplates above the enemies facing him, were red instead of blue.
He however also had ThreatPlates installed and told me that when I have aggro, he sees the nameplate as dark-blue as it should be.
So aparently the addon did not recognize him as the second tank.

Does that help you figgure out the issue?


Ah, it really was a long time ago I worked on that, I just realized. Basically, a tanking unit is only shown as off-tank in a raid/dungeon situation when the tanking unit has the role tank. Otherwise, it will be shown red (pulling aggro).

In Classic, it's even more complicated as role do not really exists as far as I am aware. So, I use the party assignment. If the tanking unit is assigned as tank, it should show as off-tank, otherwise not. There really is not any better way to implement this, at least not as far as I can think off.

Does that match to your situation?


I found out that it was a mistake by my raid leader. He did not set the second thank, the warlock, as a maintank but as a main assist since he thought there could only be one main tank.
So your addon works fine, it was a mistake.
Thank you for looking into it and being so responsive in the issue tracker here on github!


It should, yes. I am still unsure as to why this should happen. I will continue looking into this. Once I have an updated version that should fix this, I'll post it here.


Ah, it's just good to hear that there is no bug :D