Threat Plates

Threat Plates


Unklickable spot after opening and closing options

Backupiseasy opened this issue · 2 comments


Game vers.: Retail
Addon vers.: 11.2.11
Some times after you open addon do some settings and then close addon window it causes unclickable spot (I think it's the list on the left side Visibility to Blizzard Setting)
Not shure how to repeat Bug, but you have to try open Widgets - Auras - Debuff - then Set Fillter to Allow and add some aura.
Try open addon as /tptp and Icon above the minimap.
Even the /framestack doesn’t show anything, you need to find this place on the screen yourself.


It would be interesting to know if the OP also uses SUF. I don't use it normally, but I can test with it. Thanks for the additional information.


I also get this issue, but I'm not entirely sure it's related to ThreatPlates. Here are some things I've noticed about it:

  • Always in the same spot for me
  • Seems to occur without visiting any options pages
  • Occurs in both Retail and Remix
  • Usually goes away on a UI reload
  • Persists through other UI repaints like zoning into instances
  • Roughly in the position in the attached screenshot (not actually sure what reproduces it, so this is just a guess)

Framestack made me think it might actually be related to Shadowed Unit Frames, but as the original poster mentioned, you can't actually directly target the unclickable area with framestack.
