Threat Plates

Threat Plates


github code vs production code doesnt match

steijner opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I have found a few things id like to add a PR for but cloning the repo from here doesnt match the code in the production addon downloaded from curseforge, makes it hard for me to help contribute, or is it something im missing?

In production addon "CROWD_CONTROL_SPELLS_CATA_CLASSIC" dictionary exists on row 378 in AurasWidget.lua but doesnt exists in the code here on github?


You need to checkout the correct branch. This is a bit complicated, but the correct branch for 11.2.x is devel/112/main:

It's a bit complicated with all these branches. I want to simplify this, but not yet sure how.


Maybe it's even better to add this to the new 12.0 branch (, for TWW) as 11.2.x will only have bugfixes, but no new features. So, I would recommend to checkout branch 12.0 and make the PR against this branch.


Ah, i missed the different branches, thanks! Added a PR (#531) to the 120 branch :)