Threat Plates

Threat Plates


target hilight

dh-harald opened this issue ยท 9 comments



In combat, target hilight working wierd. On target change, sometimes it remains on the old target, but usually it just disapear.
I'm using v12.0.0 on WoW Classic SoD (EU)

EDIT: downgrading to 11.2.13 working fine
EDIT2: my combo points on target are re-appear


This might be the same bug (target highlight) as reported by PM to me:

  • Sometimes it wont highlight the selected target, and I have to untarget and retarget for the highlight to show, any ideas?

  • Here's a clip of the mage not being targeted, you can see my gladius and target frame though have him selected??


  • Any chance this will be fixed soon? Really hard to adjust to no highlight when rapidly changing targets.

  • SetCVar("SoftTargetForce", 0) SetCVar("SoftTargetForce", 0) SetCVar("SoftTargetMatchLocked", 0) SetCVar("SoftTargetWithLocked", 0)

  • i went to your code and deleted all of that stuff and just use the event for player target changed, and got rid of all the if statements in the main loop that shows the highlight and it works fine.


The combo points bug should be fixed now in version 12.0.1 (available in a few minutes).


Regarding the target highlight: Based on the video, I think it happend

  • after your switched your viewpoint so that the targeted nameplate was clampled to the screen while the targeted unit as off-screen,
  • then you switched the target while all units (also the new target) where off-screen, i.e, no nameplate for the new target was shown
  • then you turned your viewpoint again, units were shown on screen, but the target hightlight was not updated

I remember a part in the code which I added when working on soft-target support that I later commented out because I did not understand anymore which it would be needed and I couldn't find any bug without it. I guess I should re-visit that part.


I can now reproduce this bug with the above steps and additionally soft-targeting enabled.


As far as I can see, 12.0.1 has solved my issue (with the combo points bug as well)


I can reproduce the target highlight bug with 12.0.1 still, but this version might fix it:


This means that it is still happening in the most recent release 12.0.8?




Hey so I mentioned this bug a long time ago but this thread allowed me to figure out how to very easily reproduce it. All I do is target a mob, spin my camera so the unit is off screen and the nameplate is clamped, then target a new mob that is on screen. the new mob won't have the target highlight. once i set BOTH SoftTargetEnemy and SoftTargetInteract to 0 in AdvancedInterface Options, this stops happening. I took a small video to show it.!Aib_8PSO1JKtleZgQNQPeFJXxtocPQ?e=5boIOB . This link is to the video saved on my OneDrive. This bug has been bothering me for so long and it is my most wished for thing to get fixed <3