Threat Plates

Threat Plates


Headline View

Backupiseasy opened this issue ยท 1 comments

    • Is it possible to force headline view for units which are not in combat while the player is in combat? I'm pretty sure, it was possible in the old TidyPlates, so I'd be happy to see this feature here again.
    • There are several options to keep headline view when entering combat in 8.7.0-Alpha7. I don't think that there's an option specifically to only change mobs that attacking you or that you are attacking to healthbar view. "Headline View Out of Combat" is probably most similar to what you want. Although it switches to healthbar mode when entering combat for all mobs (unless headline view is generally configured for units types) , not only the ones attacking you. I'll have a look at it. Maybe I can add an option for that.
    • In old TidyPlates it switched from Headline to Healthbar depending on the mobs combat status, even when they were not in combat with me. Maybe this helps in finding a solution. Dungeons this was nicer, because as a tank I knew which mobs I had to attack, when someone in my party accidently pulled. On the other side, your way would be nice in open world, where I don't care, if there are mobs in combat with other players. Anyway, both would help me lot.
    • Is there a way to disable names on enemy players, but still have them show for friendly's/NPCs? Theres an option for this in the default UI but doesn't seem to make any difference when using tidy plates.
    • Is it possible to force headline view for units which are not in combat while the player is in combat? I'm pretty sure, it was possible in the old TidyPlates, so I'd be happy to see this feature here again.
    • Headline View (text only) - Active/Damaged Units
    • I'm sorely missing a nameplate feature when "Enable Headline View (text only)" is enabled, and "Force View By Status" is set to "Out of Combat".
    • In the old Tidy Plates, it was possible to activate on both Enemy & Friendly (separately) "Active/Damaged Units" & "Force Bars on Targets" (all with aggro, not just the targeted mob).
    • Example with old Tidy Plates: Out of 10 mobs, I pull aggro on three of them. The nameplate style on the three mobs, changes from text only to full Health bar view.The rest is still in Text Only state.
    • Example with Tidy Plates: Threat Plates: Health bar View activates on all 10 + other surrounding mobs if in range. You're now fighting in a forest of Health bars.
    • This is both confusing and stressing when the screen is full of Health bars all over and can be avoided 100% by implementing the "Active/Damaged Units" & "Force Bars on Targets" from the old Tidy Plates.
    • Regarding Friendly Players:
      • Example old Tidy Plates: If I'm idle and a friendly player nearby attacks a mob and the friendly takes damage, then Text Only changes to Health bar View. I can take action and join the fight and heal the friendly player.
      • Example Tidy Plates: Threat Plates: I can see the friendly player attacking a mob, but I have no clue if the friendly player is taking damage and I have no clue about the mobs current health status. His plates stays in Text Only mode, unless I join the fight. I have to join the fight. Or I can go to settings and turn off "Enable Headline View (text only)" which kinda defeats the purpose.
      • This creates two scenarios. Either I can accept living in a world full of Health bars all over, or activate current text only mode and play solo never helping a friendly player in need because I have no idea that they need my help.
    • This is why I always try to find fixes to the old Tidy Plates and fear when it's finally dead (also love the Neon Skin but I can live with out it). I want to use Threat Plates though. I like it!
    • Btw. the old Tidy Plates could exclude Elites from Text Only mode too. Helpful when running towards a rare that's about to die.
  • Is this comming? I really love this addon but i need a healthbar if i am out of combat and click on my target or When i attack 3 out of 10 enemys i only want to see their healtbars not all 10
  • Still hoping this will be added. Accidental agro cases were far fewer when only mobs that were in combat had nameplates on.

My current settings in old Tidy Plates. In-game Blizzard settings: Always Show Nameplates - checked. Enemy Units - checked. Friendly