Threat Plates

Threat Plates



Backupiseasy opened this issue ยท 1 comments

    • I'd love to see an option for friendly targets nameplates to have transparency on based on % of health, this way I could fade a fully healed friendly target completely and as peoples health dropped their nameplate/health bar would begin to appear above their head. This would pretty much be the best thing ever for world content and battlegrounds so I can physically see WHERE THE INJURED PEOPLE ARE as well has not having my screen cluttered with nameplates of people who don't need any healing. Ideally their actual NAME would always be displayed but only the health bar would fade.
    • I'd like to be able to have a fully healed friendly completely transparent, when they reached 75% health I'd like them to have a 50% visible health bar, as their health dropped to 50% I'd like it to have zero transparency (completely visible) so I can pinpoint on the battlefield exactly where I need to be to benefit from paladin mastery or the best place to actually drop an AOE heal, etc.
    • I see the Nameplate of all enemies, even if they are in different rooms or below me. --Is it possible to hide plates of mobs (e.g. Waycrest Manor) underneath?-- Or hide plates depending on distance?
    • /script SetCVar("nameplateMaxDistance", 40) this might help for dungeons with seeing mobs in other rooms or through the floor
    • Is it possible to only show the nameplates of enemies i'm directly in combat with instead of show all nameplates of all enemies when i enter combat?

Hide nameplates for units that are not visible:
I think I found a solution. There's actually a CVar nameplateOccludedAlphaMult that changes the transparency value of a (Blizzard) nameplate based on if the plate is visible or not. Now, for 8.1, TP nameplates are created a little bit differently than in 8.0. Mainly to get the framelevel/strata right. But with that change, TP now also automatically uses this CVar. And so, TP nameplates can be hidden if the unit is not visible :)